Swing? Tap?

Written By: admin - Jul• 06•17

Is it a pun? Like, an ad for some kind of dance school? 


Written By: admin - Jul• 04•17

Is it that budget cuts in the journalism field affect the editing department first? Or is the post-fact world also post-punctuation?

Also, please note that this article is over 24 hours old and hasn’t been corrected.


Written By: admin - Nov• 18•16

Perfect for next year’s pet photoshoot, yes. Also giving me hives. 


Written By: admin - Feb• 10•16

… This cute kid is selling all her apparel and it’s moving fast!


From my very own Facebook feed.

Entering the fray… on the side of the angels

Written By: admin - Feb• 04•16


Vote Solicitation

Written By: admin - Sep• 10•15


I am troubled by this headline, but I can’t clearly express what I would rather have it say. Peeps?

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