This is why I carry a mini-sharpie. (Just kidding!)

Written By: admin - Jun• 19•08

The often-funny Stuff White People Like has a great entry today: “White Problems – Typos on Menus.” Best line:

It is the duty of every white person to correct typos. It is worth the risk of banishment to deliver proper grammar to those who need it.

I can only take issue with the implication that grammar duties are exclusively white.  It is everybody’s duty, y’all.   Grammar knows no race.

At least it’s *different* wrong…

Written By: admin - Jun• 19•08

As Sarah notes:

At least this Facebook ad is CREATIVE in its mis-use of a form of “to lose” – usually people LOOSE their fat!


I’ve also decided to go ahead and add a new category!  So keep sending your facebook/MySpace bloopers!

Bzzt! No RPB pin for you!

Written By: admin - Jun• 16•08

And now, ladies and germs, a rarely-seen-in-the-wild gem:  a perfectly correct* sign that has been edited by a wanna-be honorary RPB member!  Because honestly, the only thing better than grammatical mistakes is sanctimonious and erroneous grammatical correction!


*Yes, okay, we can have a little debate about whether we need a hyphen in “well-stocked.”  But there’s no argument to be made for the comma except that somebody wants to make me poke my eyes out with a spork.

Something they forgot?

Written By: admin - Jun• 16•08

I assume that what happened here is that (insert store name here) went to (insert government agency name here)’s website and printed off this flyer.  And all things considered there are worse things that could happen.  But it’s an editing faux pas anyway… like applying for a job with a cover letter targeting a different company.


The 12-year-old in me is amused.

Written By: admin - Jun• 16•08

This isn’t wrong, per se… it’s just wrong.  You know?


How old is “40”?

Written By: admin - Jun• 07•08


Real American idols

Written By: admin - May• 13•08

Driving around the country fixing errors of all sorts? And blogging about them? Yes please! These people are awesome. I am adding the website and blog of the “Typo Hunt across America” to the blogroll over on the right there.

And here is the link to the BBC video Debbie recommended to me about these valiant, brave souls.

I… don’t even have a clue.

Written By: admin - May• 12•08

Were they going for “flea and tick”?  And if so… why?  And if not… I’m at a total loss.


MARTA continues to hate me

Written By: admin - May• 12•08

Today it’s just a little light subject-verb disagreement. What’s next??


Actually ironic

Written By: admin - May• 07•08

Maybe not as poetic as ten thousand spoons when all you want is a knife, but, you know.

Courtesy of the Houston Chronicle, via John.


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