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Bread! Apples! Very Small Rocks!

Written on August 1, 2011 by admin

Categories: subject/verb and structure, words & syntax


We really are the perfect duo.  Reporter #1 sets ’em up and I knock ’em down.

At first I thought I was supposed to be traumatized by the lack of an apostrophe in “Tops.”  That turns out to be okay.  The real mystery is what the heck this even means.  An even number of WHAT? The noun here is “corn,” specifically corn that appears on a cob.  But saying “an even number of corn” makes no sense a-tall.  FIX IT!

3 comments on “Bread! Apples! Very Small Rocks!”

  1. Lisa

    I think it refers to the number of kernels in a row. Though I have no idea if this is factual or mythical, the even-numbered thing…

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