The bases, they are covered.

Written By: admin - Sep• 07•12

First-time submitter (yay!) Belinda nabbed this screenshot the other day, noting that the WP tab had the correct spelling and Google… didn’t.

I’m curious about how this happened. Does anybody know if this kind of news round-up from Google is manually curated? I’m wondering if maybe the original WP publisher used “effects” and it got put in the metadata somewhere, and when it was imported by some Google-bot the headline remained unchanged even though the WP had corrected the error.

Not that it really matters! Either way, the end result is a fingernails-on-chalkboard dichotomy that Belinda was totally right to send our way. Thanks!

[Aside: in case any of my Esteemed Readers are confused about this one, it’s easy! Just remember, one of these is a noun and one’s a verb. And if you write “the effect,” you know it’s correct because “the” ends in “e” and “effect” starts in “e.” So you know that’s the noun. See? You’re welcome.]


Written By: admin - Aug• 31•12

You guys! I got something awesome in the mail today! Remember the adorable zombie tacos on Etsy? I have one!! It was a gift from an anonymous reader!

(Everything is cuter when posed next to guinea pig.)

Thanks so much, anonymous buddy. I love it!

RPB Code of Operations

Written By: admin - Aug• 29•12

Colleen, we talked about this earlier this week. You can’t just go around assuming these mistakes are mistakes. I mean, this person could well have been in business for only 3 years — or for 40. You don’t know unless you ask. (And if you asked, you clearly need to tell us about it.)

Also, while we’re on the subject, let’s talk about this little message:

I debated not sending it because the gal working there was so sweet. Alas, my hatred of quotation marks as emphasis overrides any sweetness.

DEMERITS! Good grief. Hesitation? What?!

We don’t KNOW this is wrong, of course.

Written By: admin - Aug• 27•12

This submission from Colleen came with the cheerful invitation to “feel free to a-linger while you’re having your tires aligned!”

But honestly, Colleen: did you stop and ask what an alingment was? We don’t know for sure that it’s a misspelling; it could be a totally new procedure that, say, electric cars need, and we just don’t know. If you want your full quota of RPB points, you need to get out and ask. None of this slacker journalism, peeps! 😛

Good news, bad news.

Written By: admin - Aug• 24•12

The good news: it’s Friday. (For YOU, that is.)

The bad news? All of this crap.

You know, I joke about defacing things, and the whole red pen thing. But I don’t DO it very often. In this case, though, I really don’t think I could have helped myself. It’s chalk, so correcting it wouldn’t even have been very costly to the sign-owner. So I would have corrected it, informed the sign-owner that s/he had personally ruined my weekend, and then cried quietly into my meatball’s.

Please tell me that’s how it went down, Lisa?

Crunchy, delicious apostrophe mutilation, and braaaaaaaains

Written By: admin - Aug• 20•12

Colleen cheerfully wrote, “A little Etsy find for you!”

Yiiiiikes. To me, the “yikes” is more about the conviction with which this is written. I will admit — nay, I willofferthe fact preemptively — that I am not good at spelling. There are a lot of words I have to stop and think about. I even replay grammar rules in my mind now and then. And sometimes, when I’m writing and I’m feeling lazy and I’m not sure of something?I don’t use that something. That’s right… I find another way to arrange things such that I don’t have to invest any further energy in determining the correct spelling or usage.

What I don’t do is blithely go ahead when I’m not sure.

I mean, they could have gone with “pizza,” you know?

And speaking of “taco’s” on Etsy — or rather a singular taco with no egregious apostrophe abuse — I am seriously attracted to the taco below.

(You can click either picture to go to the respective stores, if you find yourself in need of shabby chic housewares or crocheted zombie food. Yes, there’s zombie pizza too.)

Memes aren’t exceptions.

Written By: admin - Aug• 17•12

They aren’t. I don’t care if you’re using the meme generator over a picture of Mother Theresa (which: please don’t). You still have to write it correctly.

Reporter #1 agrees with me.

I remember it. But I refuse to acknowledge that memory based purely on the creator’s inability to use the proper form of “you’re” as well as the unnecessary capitalization of If and To. I guess I can roll with the phonetic “enough” since the whole thing is meant to be silly, but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.

Okay, now I am going to rant about this particular meme, which isn’t yet quite driving me absolutely crazy but is rapidly heading there. The first one I saw was the one with a cassette tape and a ballpoint pen that said “‘Like’ if you’re old enough to understand the connection between these two things.” And y’all, I liked it. I did. It took me on a little trip down memory lane; for a second, I was sitting hunched over by my dad’s desk, cassette and pen in hand and lap full of weightless magnetic film that threatened to knot into unsolvable wads with every breath, desperately trying to figure out where the tape had become inverted. I am, in fact, old enough to remember the connection, and presumably people somewhat younger than I aren’t, and that’s what makes the meme work.

See? You remember this. It probably happened on your TV this very week. And if you don’t remember it from seeing it on TV, you remember it because it is a cultural trope. Did you just relive a life experience unique to people of your age group?  You did NOT. Q.E.D.


Written By: admin - Aug• 15•12

Y’all, RPB is contagious. It’s a fever. And the only prescription… is more cowbell.

Er, I mean, having your submission posted, so that you’re not the only one of your siblings who has yet to be anointed by the RPB.

This is why I am ignoring my personal rule of thumb and posting an email. Because I have to, y’all. You see, Heather is the only one of three sisters who has not yet been published here! We have to fiiiiix iiiiiit.

I wonder if Gigatent asks its prospective employees for resume’s?

Thanks for the submission, Heather, and welcome to the club. 🙂

Uh… Candygram.

On Bewilderments of the Eyes and other things Cave-related

Written By: admin - Aug• 13•12

For some reason I cannot fathom, a goodly number of my contributors and readers share an alma mater, which appears to be a fairly selective liberal arts college somewhere in the American wilderness. As such we’ve already had a couple of submissions featuring signage from (or about) that institution.

Apparently this lovely school has a pub-like music venue called The Cave, located in the basement a of a truly beautiful old building which has come, over the years, to have a permanent and no longer truly subtle Odeur de Party. Once upon a time this dorm was for ladies only, and it was named after an alumna whose last name was Evans.

The good news, I guess, is that Evans is being renovated, which will mean that future reunion-goers who stay there will not have to relive their college years quite as viscerally.

The bad news is self-evident.

Thanks, Jessica!

(Again, first poster with the source citation gets 10 RPB points.)

Reporter #1 Goes On Vacation

Written By: admin - Aug• 10•12

As always, I can mostly leave this post up to Reporter #1 herself. First, a picture from Johnston Ridge Observatory at Mt. St. Helens.

The ants go marching one by one, hoorah, hoorah. The ants go marching one by one, hoorah, hoorah! The ants go marching one by one until the side of their mountain fell down and then it erupted in a way that geologists and vulcanologists had totally not anticipated, leading to the loss of 57 lives and the biggest landslide ever recorded. So that’s why there’s a monumant.

Actually, Reporter #1, you might be having too much fun with this.

I got nothing. I’m just sad.

That’s more like it.

I got things! Sorry, thing’s. My favorite is the list of good and bad attributes at the bottom, which lead me to believe that this workplace would be approximately my personal nightmare. Also, Manager who likes to Give Direction, Randomly Capitalize, and Never Let Your Employees Take Breaks? “Unlike” is not the word you wanted. Ahem.

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