First-time submitter (yay!) Belinda nabbed this screenshot the other day, noting that the WP tab had the correct spelling and Google… didn’t. I’m curious about how this happened. Does anybody know if this kind of news round-up from Google is manually curated? I’m wondering if maybe the original WP publisher used “effects” and it got …read more.
You guys! I got something awesome in the mail today! Remember the adorable zombie tacos on Etsy? I have one!! It was a gift from an anonymous reader! (Everything is cuter when posed next to guinea pig.) Thanks so much, anonymous buddy. I love it!
Colleen, we talked about this earlier this week. You can’t just go around assuming these mistakes are mistakes. I mean, this person could well have been in business for only 3 years — or for 40. You don’t know unless you ask. (And if you asked, you clearly need to tell us about it.) Also, …read more.
This submission from Colleen came with the cheerful invitation to “feel free to a-linger while you’re having your tires aligned!” But honestly, Colleen: did you stop and ask what an alingment was? We don’t know for sure that it’s a misspelling; it could be a totally new procedure that, say, electric cars need, and we …read more.
The good news: it’s Friday. (For YOU, that is.) The bad news? All of this crap. You know, I joke about defacing things, and the whole red pen thing. But I don’t DO it very often. In this case, though, I really don’t think I could have helped myself. It’s chalk, so correcting it wouldn’t …read more.
Colleen cheerfully wrote, “A little Etsy find for you!” Yiiiiikes. To me, the “yikes” is more about the conviction with which this is written. I will admit — nay, I willofferthe fact preemptively — that I am not good at spelling. There are a lot of words I have to stop and think about. I …read more.
They aren’t. I don’t care if you’re using the meme generator over a picture of Mother Theresa (which: please don’t). You still have to write it correctly. Reporter #1 agrees with me. I remember it. But I refuse to acknowledge that memory based purely on the creator’s inability to use the proper form of “you’re” …read more.
Y’all, RPB is contagious. It’s a fever. And the only prescription… is more cowbell. Er, I mean, having your submission posted, so that you’re not the only one of your siblings who has yet to be anointed by the RPB. This is why I am ignoring my personal rule of thumb and posting an email. …read more.
For some reason I cannot fathom, a goodly number of my contributors and readers share an alma mater, which appears to be a fairly selective liberal arts college somewhere in the American wilderness. As such we’ve already had a couple of submissions featuring signage from (or about) that institution. Apparently this lovely school has a …read more.
As always, I can mostly leave this post up to Reporter #1 herself. First, a picture from Johnston Ridge Observatory at Mt. St. Helens. The ants go marching one by one, hoorah, hoorah. The ants go marching one by one, hoorah, hoorah! The ants go marching one by one until the side of their mountain …read more.