Know this feeling ain’t right…

Written By: admin - Nov• 29•10

Colleen probably didn’t mean to earworm me when she wrote: “Only the onlies belonging to professor may enter.”

Thanks, Colleen… for the photo and for the Roy Orbison!

‘Tis the season for fake gourd pie

Written By: admin - Nov• 24•10

Happy Thanksgiving!  Or should I say “Happy” “Thanksgiving”?

Photo and title credit go to Reporter #1!

Profound question

Written By: admin - Nov• 22•10

Reporter #1 astutely asks, “If the crook is already out, who are we voting for or against?”

I wish I could read that last line, too…

Cannot parse

Written By: admin - Nov• 19•10

These people… will buy your broken laptop?  Or only laptops that are working and not broken?

Marilia sent this one in all the way from San Francisco!

I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

Written By: admin - Nov• 17•10

…’cause I seriously wish “wardbrobe” were a real thing.  What an awesome word.


Thanks, Casey!

Don’t worry, we’ve got this under control.

Written By: admin - Nov• 15•10

You won’t be in ANY danger from harmones.  Whatever those may be.

Thanks, Al.  🙂

Colleen burns out!

Written By: admin - Nov• 12•10
Colleen says she actually gave up circling things on this web page because there were just too many errors.  She elaborates:

Random capitalization, missing spaces, missing commas, misspellings, gratuitous use of apostrophe. Truly it saddens me to be turning them in, because their corn maze is amazing!

After reading their website, I’m left wondering if I receive my free child and teacher before or after the maze. Do the RVs know they own OK? Will I meet Othello????

(Click to enlarge.)

Feeling angry?

Written By: admin - Nov• 10•10

Q found this one right there on her television.  Obviously it means that when you lose your signal, you’ll get all… temper-ar-y.


Written By: admin - Nov• 08•10

Ernie is a man of few words, and says only, “Look what I found…”

Keep reading; you’ll find it too.

I feel like they changed their minds mid-sentence…

Written By: admin - Nov• 05•10

My father found this one in Tennessee.  Thank goodness for cell phone cameras, is all I have to say.

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