Half concern…

Written By: admin - Oct• 29•15

The owners of this fine establishment concede that “4” is a silly abbreviation for a word that’s only two characters longer than the number (and zero characters longer than the number and quotation marks). They refuse, however, to make the same concession about the much more complicated word “you.”


Well, that decision was easy!

Written By: admin - Jun• 17•15

GrammarTroika Sister #2 says “Yes, but I’m not convinced you’re the best choice.”


An interesting assessment of value

Written By: admin - Jun• 08•15

My friend Casey’s mom found this at a flea market!

Oregon for sale

I will admit that I sat here for a second trying to figure out what in the picture was from or related to Oregon. Then I had a *facepalm* moment.

Oh no they didn

Written By: admin - Jun• 01•15

Happy Monday! Somehow, I imagine it was a Monday when the person responsible submitted the order for this sign — and Monday again when the printer printed it — and Monday again when it arrived and was mounted by someone who just did. not. care.


Thanks, GrammarTroika Sister #1’s friend Christen!


Written By: admin - Jun• 23•14

Jake found this one, and definitely didn’t record it with a camera or a recording device. (Bonus: nice glitter polish!)



Written By: admin - Jun• 16•14

Jake says,

I guess a company with such a liberal application of the letter “x” has to be given some leeway.


But Jake is wrong. Some errors you just can’t forgive. Or unsee. You’re on my list, T.J. Maxx.


Written By: admin - Jun• 13•14

I *hope* this is a typo, and not somebody thinking it’s correct. “R” is right next to “t” on our QWERTY keyboards, after all. But… it could really go either way.

Thanks to GrammarTroika Sister #3 and her intrepid photographer, GTS#4!



Written By: admin - Jun• 09•14

Where to start? The spelling? The punctuation? The bizarre nationalism?

Thanks, GrammarTroika Sister #2!


Quick, patent this!

Written By: admin - Jun• 04•14

You ever wish you had a specific dish? Like, you never before really needed an 8×8 Pyrex, but now you kind of do? Michael Z. has the perfect tool for you: a dishwisher!


Whether it actually CLEANS those dishes is anybody’s guess.

Nice use of “nor,” though.

Written By: admin - Jun• 02•14

This is just an ugly-looking word. It doesn’t even make me giggle.


Thanks, Kacia!

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