
Written By: admin - Dec• 10•13

Something weird happened to me yesterday.

First I got an email from Kacia. Kacia has earned her RPB Badge many times over, so this was obviously getting posted.


Oh, Target. How many ways is this wrong? The word you’re abbreviating is “until,” so there’s no need to add an extra “l” when you abbreviate it. I’ll let the backwards single-quote function as an apostrophe because there’s no point in getting too technical when you’re going to do stuff that stupid. And then, of course, there’s… whatever is going on up top there. You’re missing an apostrophe in “time’s,” and even if we allow the lack of capitalization because you’re being artsy, the colloquialism you were looking for is a-ticking (or, one might argue, a-tickin’) and not… whatever that dot is.


Then! This is the weird part! Moments later, I got a text. At first I thought Kacia had gone all overboard and REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted me to post this, but then I realized it was actually from Q! But it is subtly different!


I will tell you that my head nearly asplode with the “tictac,” because that was all I could see in my text software. At first I thought they’d decided to Frenchify the common “tick-tock,” or else it was some kind of subliminal breath mint advertising (do they still make those things? they were gross). But when I scrolled down and saw the Spanish below I figured they probably just decided to translate it funny. Because the English doesn’t say “Tick-tock. Tick-tock.” It says “We don’t know how to use apostrophes, and we’re trying to use a colloquial construction but haven’t quite let go of our fondness of the letter ‘g.'”

Perhaps they couldn’t figure out how to say all that in Spanish?

Thanks, Kacia and Q!

Set in stone. Literally.

Written By: admin - Dec• 06•13

I’m going to allow my own use of “literally” even though ceramic isn’t, I suppose, technically stone. Because otherwise there will be no joy in this post.


I found this in the Kentucky Artists’ Center in Berea, KY. I thought about linking to the artist but I won’t. But it’s SO HARD.

Happy Friday, y’all.

Luggage I won’t be buying

Written By: admin - Nov• 06•13

Dear MAJOR corporation,


Love, RPB



Breaking news!

Written By: admin - Oct• 23•13

Happening now over here at this link!


Good job, HLN. You don’t need the comma before “Prince George,” and if we want to be really pedantic, the Archbishop didn’t sprinkle water on the infant but rather onto him. And that’s aside from the very, very obvious.

Here comes the rain…

Written By: admin - Oct• 21•13

…and a letter “s”! Thank goodness you were warned.


TigerMama of a whole new sort

Written By: admin - Oct• 16•13

Dear [Redacted] PTA:

I don’t know if you’re aware of it yet, but one of your young pupils comes with a bonus: his mama is GrammarTroika Sister #1.

You might want to recommend that all his teachers and all your staff proofread their stuff really, really well.

Because she’s also creative, and you don’t want to see what sorts of things are “outside” the envelope.






Enough is enough

Written By: admin - Oct• 15•13

We all know that Facebook is not a good place to whip out your metaphorical red pen — unless you want to spend the rest of your life there and go slowly crazy. But Jake had to send this in, because when things occur this close together, it’s a sign.


A sign… of the APOCALYPSE.

Thanks, Jake!


Happy National Punctuation Day!

Written By: admin - Sep• 25•13

Apparently this is a thing. My mother thinks you all should read the New Yorker article linked below.


Thanks, Mom!

This is why you have to read the fine print.

Written By: admin - Sep• 17•13

Otherwise, you might go and get two cheese spreads and think you were going to buy one and get one free.


In fact, when you got to the check-out line, you’d discover that you actually need a No Coupon, which you should have collected from your Not A Newspaper on last Wasn’tThursday. Silly you. Good job catching this early, Karen C.!


Written By: admin - Sep• 13•13

…it turns out there is a GrammarTroika Sister #4!! I can’t even. Why her three sisters didn’t point this out when I named them the GrammarTROIKA is the question. Demerits! Demerits for everybody!

Anyway, it’s way too late to rename them, so here we go with a submission from GrammarTroika Sister #3 (who is, it appears, actually the oldest, but was the third whose acquaintance I made, so there) as photographed by GrammarTroika Sister #4.

I’ve highlighted the obvious oops, but the rest of this pushes my buttons too. I’d like to add some commas and change some capitalization. But most of all, I’d like to point out that this sign is timey-wimey. I kind of feel like if you’re going to post about something happening URGENTLY, you might want to take the signs down sometime in the next five years. But maybe that’s just me.

Also, confidential to GrammarTroika Sister #4: Hello! And welcome to the cult!

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