Lucky little booger!

Written By: admin - Jun• 07•10

The lovely N. found this in a library that isn’t yet open to the public.  But when it does open to the public, that one kid who gets to hang out here is going to be super excited.


Is this irony?

Written By: admin - Jun• 04•10

Meg found this one lurking on the Upper West Side, and notes “You’d think they would proof read a deal honoring great literary figures.”


[For those of you who prefer not to click, it says “If you share a birthday with one of theses literary figures, you drink free on your birthday!”]

Waffling on the meaning?

Written By: admin - Jun• 02•10

Eve found this in a Waffle House bathroom and thought of me.  File THAT under “things I never thought I’d say.”  She also noted “…it could mean so many things.”


Would you like to buy a “w”?

Written By: admin - May• 31•10

Meg says she found this one at Whole Foods in Union Square.  I gotta tell you, Meg — I’m not sure I would have even caught this one.  Good eyes!


WaPo no-no

Written By: admin - May• 28•10

Michael found this misspelling in the Washington Post.  Maybe they ran out of space!


Passed the point of no return

Written By: admin - May• 26•10

John found this little mental workout, and says:

It’s great that our local climbing gym has workshops for women…  But “passed”?


Hey, at least they got the possessive pluralization of “woman” right!

Monday mental exercise

Written By: admin - May• 24•10

Reporter #1 wants us all to warm up our brains this fine Monday morning with a little puzzle.

Screen shot 2010-12-21 at Dec 21, 2010 at 2.22.13 PM



Just like Mama taught you

Written By: admin - May• 21•10

Galen submits:

Here’s one from an ad in the Burlington Free Press. Maybe they call it a “free press” because they allow punctuation to be used is any word without regard to meaning.


Acceptable on a four-year-old’s handmade card.  Not acceptable in a newspaper.  Sigh.

The pluralization, she is difficult.

Written By: admin - May• 19•10

Susan found this one in a drop-down list of regional medical facilities.  That’s an interesting new pluralization right there!


Symbols that don’t make sense

Written By: admin - May• 14•10

Podcast celeb Sage forwarded this beauty:


(Click image for DetroitFunk, the original source.)

I’m not even entirely sure what category to put this one into… Thanks, Sage!

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