Roaring terrible roars!

Written By: admin - Mar• 01•10

It’s Kacia week here at RPB!  I love that when my friends go places, they think of me.  I want a t-shirt that says “My friend went to [insert destination here] and all I got was this lousy grammatical error.”

Anyway, Kacia found this extremely unhappy chocolate showing its terrible claws at her neighborhood burger joint.  For that we are grateful.


Oh happiness!

Written By: admin - Feb• 24•10

Julie calls this “an exuberant plural.”


Happy Wednesday, Julie!

Politically incorrect, and also just incorrect

Written By: admin - Feb• 22•10

Michael would like to know, “Why discriminate against openly gay biologists?”


Thanks, Michael!


Written By: admin - Feb• 17•10

Reporter #1 has done it again.

By day? We are mild-mannered white-collar workers.  By night? We are VIRTUAL FARMERS! … Who don’t understand the rules of Capitalization, apparently.

Screen shot 2010-02-11 at Feb 11, 2010 at 12.20.47 PM

I’d say they’re confused about punctuation, too!


Written By: admin - Feb• 15•10

Okay, it’s actually spelling.  The fabulous  Bobby Tables exclaims, “Metro is run by pirates!”


Thanks, BT!

Longer than a three-hour tour?

Written By: admin - Feb• 12•10

I totally didn’t write the title of this post.  That credit is due to Nosipho, who found the following and noted

I guess you can check out any time you like, but you can’t return from Shell Island until the spring.

Hotel - RPB

Score!  A punctuation error and two snazzy pop-culture references in one post!  Thanks, Nosipho!

Less things to complain about

Written By: admin - Feb• 08•10

Meg would like to let us know about a cool post over on Serious Eats,  More Evidence That Trader Joe Paid Attention in Grammar Class, from which the delightful picture  below is taken.  It seems to me less to indicate the awesomeness of Trader Joe Corporate — which, I assume, authorized and paid for the original sign — than that of Trader Joe employees.  Nonetheless, it brings a tear to my eye.


Thanks, Meg!

SO tempted…

Written By: admin - Feb• 05•10

Please excuse the drive-by nature of this photograph.  I was not actually driving while I took it, but I was being watched suspiciously by the shopclerk. And I really, really needed her not to ask me what I was doing…


…because if she had, I was going to say, “Excuse me, I was wondering whether I would like to buy a Radko ornament.”

So there.

Written By: admin - Feb• 03•10

Reporter #1 shrugs, “Stationary iPhones need not apply.”

Screen shot 2010-01-26 at Jan 26, 2010 at 1.29.45 PM

I could have seen where they were going with this, if the software were called “Weight Watchers for Mobile.”  But it isn’t.  And so this is wrong.  Just like starting sentences with “And” or “But.”  But this is my blog.


Written By: admin - Feb• 01•10

Dave thinks last Friday’s WaPo sports front page is a secret shout-out to the RPB!


(click to enlarge)

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