…and lions, and tigers, and bears!

Written By: admin - Jan• 29•10

In honor of our last-ever January, 2010 Red Pen Brigade incident, Alison brings the snark:

Looks like the daycare is starting to suspect that not all the creatures they watch during the day are in fact children. I guess I should leave my pet llama at home for a while…


It might be a picture quality issue, Alison, but I’m pretty sure you’re also missing an apostrophe there.  It’s a double!

When in Rome?

Written By: admin - Jan• 27•10

As I have said before, I feel like there’s a line somewhere such that picking on people’s spelling/grammar isn’t appropriate if we’re dealing with certain subsets of people, among them those who are not native English speakers.  I have a little pity for companies producing things for export to English-speaking countries, because not all companies may be able to afford much in the way of translation, and I don’t know which companies could and which couldn’t.  That’s quite different from mom-and-pop, handwritten signs, though, which I am generally very likely to forgive.  It’s very likely that their English is better than my whatever, after all.

That said, I think I feel comfortable drawing the line when it comes to companies actually operating major stores in English-speaking countries.  If you are big enough to buy several major big-box stores in the United States, I really DO want you to hire a copy editor.  Mmmkay?


Don’t worry, H Mart, I’m not going to dump you over this.  I love you too much for such a petty thing to break us up.  Plus, I mean, public hygeine is a total plus!  Maybe we can work out some kind of deal where I do your corporate editing in return for a never-ending supply of mochi balls and bibimbop?

[EDIT TO ADD, CONFIDENTIAL TO MY FATHER: I originally had “I feel like there’s a line somewhere where picking on people’s blah blah.”  The voice that I heard in my head yelling at me there was definitely yours!]

SOMEBODY’S got a case of the Mondays!

Written By: admin - Jan• 25•10

Reporter #1 grumps,

Verbs?  We don’t no stinkin’ verbs.


The worst part, in my humble opinion, is that there was definitely room for that tiny little bite of existential goodness.  I’m with you, Reporter #1: No excuses!  Not on a Monday!

Out of the woodwork

Written By: admin - Jan• 20•10

Reporter #1 is back!  She has this to say:

I can’t decide if the sheer offensiveness of it outweighs the bad grammar, or if the two combined is just all the more horrid.

Screen shot 2009-12-14 at Dec 14, 2009 at 1.22.52 PM

Yeah, that really is a fascinating dilemma, Reporter #1.  Random capitalization, missing punctuation, the charming use of “n” as a word, and whatever “with political 2 cents” can be called.  You’ve done it again!

Further international joy

Written By: admin - Jan• 18•10

Margaret has found another lovely roadside sign somewhere in the Middle East.  This is a country where nearly everybody speaks at least a little English, but they don’t seem to employ a copy-editor in the highway department!


The word they were going for was “reserve,” as in “game reserve.”  But I think I like it better this way!  Thanks, Margaret!

Mysterious geography

Written By: admin - Jan• 15•10

First-time submitter Tom R. says:

Courtesy of ESPN.  I’m not sure where Tact is.  Perhaps Google Maps would know?


Thanks, Tom!  Welcome to the club!

A world of wrong

Written By: admin - Jan• 13•10

Look what I found at a major national retailer!


It isn’t just a one-off, either.  This sign was replicated all over the store.


Interestingly, it wasn’t consistent — at least two other signs in the store used “it’s” properly.  Perhaps said major national retailer needs to hire an editor.

Unsolicited advice

Written By: admin - Jan• 11•10

I found this one myself on a recent trip to a Korean grocery.  I don’t need my beverages telling me what to do, you know?  So that’s awesome.   But it gets better.

bubble tea 006 (571x593)

The “Warning: tapioca ball must chew before swallow” is fabulous enough by itself.  The warning not to eat small children is icing on the cake.  I LOLed.  🙂

Or, you know, whatever

Written By: admin - Jan• 08•10

Scott found this one on his pants.  Two different pairs of pants, but still. I’m pretty sure the spelling rules didn’t magically change between pairs of pants.

errors 007f


Written By: admin - Jan• 06•10

My very own mother found this beautiful post, which I think belongs here.  The wording on this sign annoys me every time I see it, which is a lot.  Plus, it comes from a cool new (to me) blog!  Don’t say I never do anything for you, Dear Readers.


Thanks, Mom!

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