As I have said before, I feel like there’s a line somewhere such that picking on people’s spelling/grammar isn’t appropriate if we’re dealing with certain subsets of people, among them those who are not native English speakers. I have a little pity for companies producing things for export to English-speaking countries, because not all companies may be able to afford much in the way of translation, and I don’t know which companies could and which couldn’t. That’s quite different from mom-and-pop, handwritten signs, though, which I am generally very likely to forgive. It’s very likely that their English is better than my whatever, after all.
That said, I think I feel comfortable drawing the line when it comes to companies actually operating major stores in English-speaking countries. If you are big enough to buy several major big-box stores in the United States, I really DO want you to hire a copy editor. Mmmkay?
Don’t worry, H Mart, I’m not going to dump you over this. I love you too much for such a petty thing to break us up. Plus, I mean, public hygeine is a total plus! Maybe we can work out some kind of deal where I do your corporate editing in return for a never-ending supply of mochi balls and bibimbop?
[EDIT TO ADD, CONFIDENTIAL TO MY FATHER: I originally had “I feel like there’s a line somewhere where picking on people’s blah blah.” The voice that I heard in my head yelling at me there was definitely yours!]