This *headdesk* moment comes to you from Healthy Mom & Baby magazine.
Thanks, Colleen!
You know how teachers tell little kids “use your words”? I feel like that’s because words are supposed to facilitate communication. And yet, as Colleen has neatly illustrated here, they so often don’t.
Colleen found this, for what it’s worth, at an American institution of higher learning. Sigh.
Friday’s submission was Dave’s exciting discovery of a local shop that used an apostrophe correctly. He did, however, temper his glee with this second submission.
See, the mistakes here are obvious, but because it’s Monday morning I’m going to go ahead and giggle about the fact that it’s only hot and spicy prices that are subject to change. Because that’s how I roll on Mondays.
Thanks, Dave. 🙂
So I received this from Dave. And there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, he gleefully described it as “a rare use of proper punctuation.”
So is this going to be like the CakeWrecks “Sunday Sweets” concept? Are we all so burned out and frustrated with poor punctuation and erratic grammar that I should start a weekly celebration of people who didn’t screw up? I have done it before…
Something to ponder over the weekend… and on Monday, the error Dave submitted simultaneously. 🙂
…is goodwill. With Goodwill. Which has, apparently, embraced something akin to the Verizon school of math. GIANT SIGH.
I don’t get credit for this one, which was pointed out to me with glee by my husband.
One row over, we found that we weren’t the only ones who had noticed…
Sorry, had to balance out the universe.
Thanks to Jason “Lefty” Williams, who found this one… somewhere. He didn’t even tell me. The best thing about this picture is that it needed no words.
Al sent this. Take a look.
So. Here we have a thinking, ambulatory sidewalk that blocks the fire exit occasionally, at which time smokers are advised not to stand on it. Alternatively, we have the suggestion that smokers might be likely to idly hang about on the sidewalk in the case of a fire.
“Hey, look, the building’s on fire! And I think there are people trying to get out of that door behind you, dude.”
“Eh. I really need a cigarette. Got a light?”