I’m a little worried that I need some kind of disclaimer about not photographing things for RPB while you’re driving, y’all. Reporter #1 says:
I had been trying to get a shot of it for WEEKS (it’s right by [my daughter]’s school) and then today there happened to be a truck pulling in to the next store up the road and it held up traffic long enough for me to get a shot. :^)
This is one I’ve often noticed and grimaced at, so thanks for finally capturing it, Reporter #1!
But the not-photographing-while-driving thing was why it took me weeks to get it! I had to wait ’til I was stopped ’cause of a backing-semi-in-the-road to be stopped so I could take a picture!
(There’s another awesome one just behind where I took this shot. Keep your fingers crossed for another traffic tie-up on a day when I’m driving the kid to/from school.)