
Written By: admin - Jun• 09•10

Ugh.  For some reason, this one just gets me going on a “state of education” rant.  It could also fit nicely into a “state of public services” rant that I’m saving for another time — okay, no, an abbreviated version: why are people making their own road signs now?  Ahem.  Anyway.

Meg got this one from her cousin.  I admit that I giggle a little on the inside every time I see a “Slow Children Playing” sign, or its cousin, “Slow Children Crossing.”  Perfect example of how a comma could fix everything, that.  But this one comes with an extra giggle.


There’s also something sweetly whimsical about how these children never, ever play early in the mornings, and are always firmly locked up by 9pm.

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One Comment

  1. Chris says:

    Try that with a West “Virginny” accent and you’ll realize it is spelled phonetically. Chid-ern. Say it through your nose. Really, it works.

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