A gleeful email from Kacia:
Check out the second-to-last ice cream flavor on this menu: Bear Creak Caramel! I mean really, who doesn’t want creaky bears in their ice cream?! Delish!
We spent the rest of the meal making creaky-bear noises. *RAWR!-ereek!* I think the waitress thought we’d lost our minds.
Happy Friday, all!
I’m also wondering why they serve it “with” the tin and not “in” the tin!
And yet, they spelled Zanzibar correctly!
I’m also wondering where you stand on “old FASHIONED” vs. “old FASHION”.
@Lisa: I’ll bet that it’s “with” the tin. According to Phoebe Damrosch in “Service Included” a real milkshake is served with the remaining shake in the silver blending cup in which it was made. She says that she learned at an early age that places that skimp on this are not to be trusted.