A geeky aside: Pigs in Jayne hats!

Written By: admin - Aug• 20•11

This is my blog, so I can also post adorable pictures of my guinea pigs.  And when I happen to have a picture of my guinea pigs wearing totally cunning hats that I myself knit on teeny-tiny double-pointed needles (which, if you know me, is amazing, because it requires coordination to avoid stabbing yourself in the eye) — well then.

Also, just in case I have any readers who don’t actually know me:  These are Snickers (2 years old, male) and Ouiser Boudreaux (3 years old, female, spayed).  Both are rescues and they’re wonderful, even if they don’t really love wearing hats.  Please consider a rescue for any pet you’re welcoming into your family — local shelters often have hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, etc. who are also desperate for a home.

EDIT: Pigs-n-hats now featured on EPBOT!  And honestly, Jen did a much better job writing the situation up than I did.  Of course, her consistently hilarious writing is why we read her blogs!

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  1. Lynda says:

    your piggies have just replaced Alan Rickman as my wallpaper…

  2. Alden says:

    Oh, wow… those are some big shoes to fill! 🙂

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