A slippery, silly sort of language… still has rules.

Written By: admin - Aug• 06•12

Here, walk through this one with me.

Think about vacations. You know how vacations are. You plan for them, and as you do you get excited.  Maybe, if you’re me, you also start freaking out about packing and your spouse decides to hide under the bed until the suitcases are sealed (which is usually about 45 minutes before you have to be at the airport, regardless of time of day or sleep patterns). But anyway: you get excited.

And then you have the vacation, and it’s fabulous, and you love it, and the only bad thing is that the whole time it’s going on, you know it’s going to end.

And THEN you get to pack (less stressful on the way home, at least!), and leave the nice place, and carry the heavy luggage, and fly with the kid kicking your chair every 20 seconds, and have the stupid really long layover, and realize you have to go to work tomorrow, and since your flight is late probably the dog will have peed on the floor, so the very first thing you get to do when you get home is try not to step in the pee as you feel around for the light switch in the kitchen.

So you know how you’re feeling, right about now?

Now imagine that you see this. (Also, if it isn’t the case, imagine that you speak French.)

It’s times like these that it’s hard not to freak out and wind up on an episode of Airline. I mean, you’re exhausted, and you’re on your way home from a nice vacation and about to step in a puddle of pee… the LAST thing you want is existential musings about delicious pastries!

I don’t know whether this object was, in fact, bread or chocolate. Either way, it was tasty.

(First poster with the source citation gets 10 RPB points.)

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  1. Colleen says:

    I look at that and think I have to choose bread or chocolate. The answer is chocolate. Always choose chocolate.

    Now can we discuss the egregious use of Franglish in this picture (aside from the ou/au debacle)? Pain ou Chocolate? Not chocolat?


  2. Q says:

    Am I the only one who literally LOL because I read this as, “Do you want pain, or chocolate?” I personally found the sign kind of mean and threatening! Like it was saying, “Bring it! You want pain?! Or do you want chocolate?”

  3. Alden says:

    No. No, you are not.

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