First of all, I’m not sure what Menards is doing here. I would have said “type” of wood, because that’s a good, solid, no-nonsense kind of word. I think they were aiming for “species,” which would have felt awkward even if they had gotten it right.
(For the curious: “specie” is actually a word, so this may have slipped past some spellcheck software. But it doesn’t relate to wood in any way.)
Of course, one can’t expect much from YET ANOTHER company that can’t spell its own name. That’s right, Menards. I even read your “about” history page. And John Menard is ONE GUY, and I don’t see a mention anywhere of sons or cousins or even furkids. Argh!
He has a grandson who races NASCAR, so there must be some kind of offspring…
FWIW, speaking (writing) as a woodworker, “type of wood” doesn’t really mean anything. Species is the right word in this case.
Doesn’t excuse the spelling though.
Addendum: “Type of wood” doesn’t mean anything in a staining context, at least not when your options are various species.