Yeah, oops.

Written By: admin - Jun• 10•09

Repeat submitter Shannon found this gem in the comments of a boingboing article about absinthe .  He says:

Comment 20, attached here for your red-penning pleasure.  I usually give weblog comments a free pass, but the spoonerism is just too appealing on this one.


This is one of those ones where I would really love to meet the author.  People who use big words often love words, and some people who love words love to theorize about where words come from.  There are entire hours of NPR dedicated to the origin of words.  Where would a word-lover suppose that “psycho-semitic” would have come from, in order for it to make sense in this context?  I’d love to read that story.

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  1. DavidS says:

    Aw, hell, I’ve known a few psycho semitics in my day.

  2. Mike G says:

    Went to college with a few of ’em myself. . . .

  3. Alden says:

    Juuuust in case anybody ever actually reads this blog who isn’t intimately acquainted with the two of you, I feel it necessary to reveal that those statements are at least minimally self-referential. 😛

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