Quelle fromage!

Written By: admin - Aug• 31•09

The good news is:  I’ve found a grocery store that sells cheese “ends,” so you can taste fancy cheeses without having to buy a whole one.  So that’s excellent.  Last weekend I bought several and took them home.  I was suspicious of this one:


So I googled it.  It turns out “English Glouster” is not a thing.  There is a cheese called “English Gloucester,” but it looks nothing at all like this wedge looked.  After much research, I determined that the (delightful) cheese I’d just eaten was, in fact, a Stilton with lemon rind.  Mmm-mmm.  But seriously:  no clue what was up with the label-maker.

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One Comment

  1. Laura says:

    Yum. I love a good Stilton. As for the label, it looks like someone got the name of the cheese wrong, as you point out, and was also trying to spell Gloucester phonetically. Not a smart thing to do when it comes to English place names.

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