Kacia quips:
We were to guess the number of surgeries done at the hospital. Apparently the surgeons there are so talented that they are able to pre-form the surgeries in advance! Must save them a lot of time in the OR…
Something like that!
Kacia quips:
We were to guess the number of surgeries done at the hospital. Apparently the surgeons there are so talented that they are able to pre-form the surgeries in advance! Must save them a lot of time in the OR…
Something like that!
Kacia says:
I’m just forwarding this to you directly. I have NO IDEA WTF is up with the subject line here — no matter how I parse it, it doesn’t make sense! Are they trying to make a play on “hoo” with the owls, but wrote “whose” instead? And “look’s” with an apostrophe?! I’m at a loss…
Hoo knows, Kacia?
And a cheerful Friday send-off. These have been making me giggle for a while.
Firstly, we have “Prime Rose Oil,” which I just love. But even better is this:
Why do we need? OMEGA!
I mean, it’s so cheerful you almost can’t fault it for being wrong.
Happy Friday!
The “at long last” is for me, because this has been bugging me FOREVER, and I finally had a camera with me when I was here.
I’m just saying: that’s a mighty nice daycare for one kid. But I’m not sure it’s nice enough to be that kid’s entire world. You know?
Susan’s back again with this. Susan’s headline kind of says it all. (For those of you tiny-text-challenged, I’ve got the transcription below.)
Text says:
A southwest Atlanta woman who went missing early Saturday afternoon has been found, safe and sounds.
Willie Mae Tiggs went missing sometime around 1:30p.m. Saturday after leaving her southwest Atlanta.
Sometime after 8 p.m. Tiggs was found. It is unclear where she was found or where she had gone.
Um… yes.
Reporter #1’s final submission for the week! She posits:
…maybe the car’s brakes were broken during or following the earthquake so it’s actually correct.
Thanks for a lovely week, Sarah!
Sarah says, “No wonder the airlines are losing money – they can’t punctuate!”
Reporter #1 Sarah has sent in a WEEK’S worth of posts for your viewing pleasure!
Firstly, she is upset about this:
She says, “I will not send my child to a school that does not know how to spell its own name.”
To some extent I think we have to let businesses name themselves stupid stuff, even if it drives us nuts. Don’t get me started on Toys “[backwards R]” Us! That said, you definitely don’t have to send your kid there, though.
I do completely agree with you on this one, Sarah:
Sarah says “I have no words.” Which… yep.
Typo or error born of really strange pronunciation? Your call. Bonus points for the extreme vagueness of the concept of a “hardware tool” no matter how you spell it!
As always, thanks, Susan!
New submitter John S. snapped this one at Bahamas Breeze and wanted our commiseration. It’s all yours, John!