$ay what?

Written By: admin - Oct• 05•09

Following in the footsteps of last week’s thrifty sign-writer, these folks would like you to know that the normal rules of dollar-sign usage don’t apply to them.  They’re optional! They go after the figure! It’s all good!


Oh yes were.

Written By: admin - Oct• 02•09

Jessica M. has been holding out on us!  Turns out she took this one at the State Fair where she took her previous submission, but didn’t submit it because it didn’t fit “the apostrophe theme.”

Which brings us to today’s question.  Is this an error of apostrophe omission?  Of spelling?  Of misuse of homophones?  OR ALL THREE??


Thanks, Jessica!  🙂

Thrift as virtue?

Written By: admin - Oct• 01•09

Bill M. found this one in Berkeley, CA, and says:

The sign appears to be missing a hyphen and lacks consistent capitalization. Evidently the thrift store was too thrifty to have their sign proofread.


Looks like it’s missing a dollar sign, too, Bill.  Wazzup!!

A new lease on spelling

Written By: admin - Sep• 30•09

Dave found this one at DC Bread & Brew, and notes, “At least someone tried to correct it!”


This is clearly a lesson about why we all need to carry large-tipped, red permanent markers on us at all times.  Just saying.

Louie, Louie.

Written By: admin - Sep• 29•09

Lisa says this one comes from Louie G’s ice cream shop in Park Slope, Brooklyn.  I came up with that lovely title up there.  I’m sorry.


Quotalicious, Lisa!  But also, random-capitalization-alicious!  Nice!

“emphasis added”

Written By: admin - Sep• 25•09

First-time submitter Galen says:

A birthday card from a co-worker.  Apparently, my name is an alias?  Maybe I really was adopted – my brother has been telling me that for years!


You guys!  I just have a question.  Were people taught that quotes could be used for emphasis?  I mean, are there English teachers out there actually teaching this?  Or is everybody just learning it by osmosis???

(Thanks, “Galen”!)

Spellcheck? Anyone?

Written By: admin - Sep• 24•09

An anonymous donor found this beautiful poster at a selective Midwest liberal arts college.


Thanks, anonymous donor!

Funny bone, again

Written By: admin - Sep• 23•09

Susan W. submits these two photos from her favorite international grocery store.  Again, I’m not mocking these for their poor English — although I do wish companies big enough to print labels and ship internationally would hire copy editors — as their English is obviously oodles better than my whatever.  It’s the unintentional hilarity I cannot resist (and neither, apparently, could Susan!).



Susan says she’s glad that the latter product takes the time to warn that it might be dangerous for pregnant women.  Yeech.  Personally, I’m going to have the word “musthroom” in my head all day.  Say it:  MUSTHROOM.  It’s awesome.

Time warp

Written By: admin - Sep• 22•09

You know my error-photographing habit is bad when my husband grabs my arm and whispers urgently, “Quick, take a picture of that door!”



I will admit that it actually took me a second to see what was wrong with it…

Geek cred where cred is due

Written By: admin - Sep• 21•09

So last weekend was Dragon*Con, the annual science fiction and fantasy convention that draws over 30,000 fans a year.  I was pleased to note that there were very, very few glaring errors that jumped out at me anywhere on the premises.  I wasn’t able to get good shots of the one other great one I found, which was in a catalog provided by a t-shirt company, and was made fabulous by the fact that it had already been scribbled on and corrected.  So cheers to you anyway, Anonymous Honorary Red Pen Brigade Member!

But then there was this:


I just hate this error, y’all.  I don’t care if it’s a dialect thing.  Stop.

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