How old is “40”?
I… don’t even have a clue.
MARTA continues to hate me
Actually ironic
Pros and Cons
Genuine realistic!
This Hannah Montana pocket fan lights up with “realistic lights.” I’m not entirely sure what this means. It raises existential questions about the nature of light, and what light resembles. I mean, it isn’t like this is a toy cop car, on which “realistic lights” might make sense. What exactly would the lights on a pocket fan resemble? And WHY IS IT IN QUOTES?
Glasses so good, you won’t NEED apostrophes
I’ll let Kacia describe this one:
This mailing just has so much to offer: sentence fragments, the use of “Literally!” as a stand-alone sentence, and my favorite bit, the “Were in the same building” statement. Well…if you WERE in the same building, where are you now?! Apostrophes are so over-used in general, maybe there was a shortage when they were typesetting this postcard. 😉
Facebook: My new nemesis
First of all, Facebook informs me that I can’t have five names.
And now this, courtesy of Kacia.
And while we’re at it… I mean, I know I’m not fluent in most forms of code, but would it be that hard to use the registered gender of each member in context with pronouns? You know, so it doesn’t say “Kacia just changed their picture” and I don’t have to cry?
Makes me smile.
I have pixelated this one because I love this place. I also love this sign. It makes me smile. In a philosophical sense, messing up a bathroom is sort of “littler”-ing it — you do make it cosmically less by leaving a mess. And honestly, who doesn’t want to work somewhere where the servers are happy?