Written By: admin - Jan• 25•12

SmashBURGER, that is.  Because apparently you guys like to make sure that when I do an RPB post, I get hungry.  Or is it something about food that makes sign-writers less careful?  I mean, in this case, the name of the restaurant is written incorrectly.

Anyway, my father is once again proud to have a use for his smartphone.

I’m given to understand that after photographing this my parents went about the business of eating delicious hamburgers, and didn’t in fact turn green and rip their shirts and pummel things.  But I prefer to imagine it the other way.

I know people who would actually be excited by this.

Written By: admin - Jan• 20•12

Sometimes I don’t know exactly what to write about some of the pictures y’all send in.  And then sometimes I just think the pictures just speak for themselves.

Leah says she’s amused by the concept of a hot smoked meat cocktail.  I have nothing further to add.

Raw fish is more appealing than punctuation abuse

Written By: admin - Jan• 18•12

Veronica submits this image from Totoro Sushi, which has a linkable web page, so there you go.

Veronica also notes that the sushi here is delicious.  I guess all the applicants who show up looking for jobs and discover that this place isn’t hiring at all can grab some yummy snacks on the way out!

New category contender?

Written By: admin - Jan• 16•12

As Reporter #1 notes, we’ve had several posts from Tops Friendly Markets recently.  They’re not quite MARTA, but we thank them nonetheless.

ANYWAY, she found this cutie in an email flyer and sent it right along.

Reporter #1 wonders “What is a Tasting Shrimp?”  I actually read it slightly differently and wondered what a new-tasting shrimp would taste like.  Then I got a little nauseous.

Definition of insanity

Written By: admin - Dec• 30•11

I have a new definition of insanity: trying to hold online ads to any kind of standard of… well, anything.  Common decency, common sense, basic grammar, take your pick.  This one only abuses a hyphen, but you know I’m right about the genre.

Reporter #1 fears we should file this under “totally lost causes,” and I’m pretty sure she’s right.

Actual medical advice from an actual medical practitioner

Written By: admin - Dec• 28•11

Okay, so Kacia’s only in medical school, but she’s still totally qualified to point out how excellent this advice is.

I think it’s also probably a good idea to warn people before posting pictures of fences like this, because my personal eyeballs want to explode from the pattern.  But hey, I will suffer through it to provide this valuable service.  Smoking propane is dangerous, kids.  Just say no.

Not even worth it.

Written By: admin - Dec• 21•11

Q found this, and my reaction is mostly “What?”

I’m so busy trying to parse when I could use a Groupon that I barely even notice the totally random capitalization, spacing, punctuation, etc.


*dies* Grammar rant *dies again*

Written By: admin - Nov• 23•11

First! Here is a picture of a bunny chillaxing — or not! — on a CozyWinters small animal heating pad!

That’s the first thing you’ll see on this page,which is apparently where Lisa S. buys nice things for her residents.  And I say “residents” and not “pets” deliberately, because Lisa runs the Atlanta Metro Guinea Pig Rescue, which is always in need of spare cozy things (and spare money) if you have any of the above lying around.  [Please note too that Lisa did NOT ask for this shameless plug, but I’m doing it anyway, because I have a soapbox and I can.]

Anyway, disapproving rabbits aside, Lisa thinks the real hilarity occurs a little further down in the text:

I will admit that I was so amused by “mammal animals” (now added to my mental list of awesome band names!) that I totally missed the “attended” and “reptiltes,” not to mention some peculiar capitalization and debatable punctuation.  PLUS cute bunny.  This is an RPB Good Day.


Written By: admin - Nov• 16•11

Sometimes, even rules don’t make things better.

Chris H. says his wife found this and thought of us.  Thank you, Chris’s wife!  For thinking of us, at least.  I can’t really thank the universe for pointing out that even correctly-followed rules and conventions can sometimes fail to provide clarity.  Sigh.

Or DOES it…?

Written By: admin - Nov• 04•11

First, observe the ridiculous punctuation.

Now let’s let Kacia explain why this is extra-silly.

[This is a] warning sticker pasted onto the bottom of a can of mock abalone from our local Asian grocery. Note that the entire ingredient list printed on the can is ‘Fried gluten (wheat, soy bean oil), salt, sugar, soy sauce (soy bean, wheat, water, salt), soy bean oil.’ Yet somehow from that we hopeless consumers would be unable to determine that this product contains wheat and soybeans. Unless… “wheat” and “soybeans” is warning us of additional ingredients so unmentionable that we must employ euphemisms rather than speak of them! Horrors!

It’s PEOPLE, Kacia!!


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