Ce n’est pas une seat

Written By: admin - Jul• 30•10

I mean, this was totally going up on RPB just because of the sheer absurdity of insisting that a bench is not a seat (rather than insisting that it is a decorative, delicate, fragile, or forbidden seat).  The typo is just gravy.


A tale of two signs

Written By: admin - Jul• 28•10

I saw this one and I thought “At last, an appropriate use of quotation marks on a handmade grocery store sign!”


Yes, that’s right — “Yum yum” could well be what kids say while eating watermelon, and therefore does in fact belong in quotes.  Get this sign-maker a cookie!

But then, I saw this…


I suppose it’s possible that my friend the sign-writer was making a comment on the nature of watermelon as a treat.  Because let’s be honest, if it isn’t made of chocolate, it isn’t a treat, amIright?


Written By: admin - Jul• 23•10

Galen doesn’t pull her punches when she asks, “Is it clod?”


I’m so tempted to travel to Ripton, VT to ask them that in person!

When spell-check is not your friend

Written By: admin - Jul• 21•10

I rag on people for not using spell-check, you know?  But in this case, you almost would have done better not to use it.


Yeah, that says “incontinence.”  Thanks, Q!

The what now?

Written By: admin - Jul• 19•10

I’m not sure exactly what a “wingett” is — or if, as Reporter #1 wonders, it should more properly be spelled “wingette.”  But whatever it is and however it’s spelled, I’m STILL POSITIVE it shouldn’t be pluralized with an apostrophe.


Written By: admin - Jul• 16•10

Kacia found this one in Italy, so we can forgive some of the lyrical mistranslation.  But she’s absolutely right to be “concerned about their use of native inhabitants of Campania in the food!”

Mmmm, inhabitants!

I’d totally eat there

Written By: admin - Jul• 14•10

Kacia found this one while still in the Midwest.  She submitted it with no comment, which I think is about what it needs.


Danger: bored English majors will see this

Written By: admin - Jul• 12•10

Kacia says it all:

This is from a certain Midwestern liberal arts institution that may or may not recently have held a reunion. Where is the punctuation??! Apparently, parking/loading/unloading are the only forbidden  actions– anything else is perfectly fine.


And knowing which educational institution you mean, Kacia, I’d say that’s a pretty dangerous assertion!

Breaking Friday evening red-penning!

Written By: admin - Jul• 09•10

It’s not that I don’t enjoy a fully-grown modern man invoking a curse against another fully-grown modern man.  I totally do.  It’s just that this letter from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert seems to also contain a little punctuation abuse.

Here’s a screen-cap, for posterity (edited only for layout).  Click to embiggen.


I was going to red-pen this, but it’s more fun like a puzzle.  How many things annoy YOU, Dear Reader?

RPB can be bad for you

Written By: admin - Jul• 07•10

Leah writes that this sign made her so distraught that she “was waving [her] arms about noticeably” and nearby store clerks had to ask her if she was okay.

I’ve “left” it “uncropped” because I like to imagine that that dude inside is totally staring at Leah.  “Awesome.”

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