My head asplode.

Written By: admin - Jan• 29•09

(And that’s a quote, so don’t even e-mail me about the “typo.”)

ANYWAY… help us, oh dear readers-who-never-comment.  Q and I are nursing major headaches from hours of profound pondering.

The question pertains to this post on a certain county’s school bulletin board:


And our question is, in a perverse, obviously troubling sort of way:  could this be correct?  I mean, if they were to accept projects after the deadline, would they not be making an exception?  And would the project, therefore, not be excepted?


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One Comment

  1. Marjorie says:

    Risking the creation of further asplosions–

    “No late projects will be excepted” implies to me that late projects will be treated exactly the same way as projects turned in on time–that is, no exceptions in the grading process will be made.

    Therefore, while technically grammatically correct, it means the exact opposite of what Ms. Wood intended.

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