Seriously… I got nothing other than “Blech.”
Trough break!
Katie Z. submits this photo from a local restaurant, noting:
We’ve been here several times but had never noticed the sign. The restaurant is high-end enough that I’m pretty sure they don’t intend to associate themselves with a barnyard.
Thanks, Katie!
My head asplode.
Either Wal-Mart is way, way more hip than I ever thought, or something went wrong here.
Actually, you know, even if they were going for “Stylin’ Gel” (which: why would they do that??) this is wrong. WAL-MART FAIL.
To the pain!
In his second consecutive submission, Davery brings the angst:
Here’s another photo I took AT MY SCHOOL! Now we know when “Defer payment’s” are due. It hurts, Alden. It hurts!
That is truly beautiful. It’s my favorite Southernism — the dropping of the “ed” — along with the explicit abuse of an apostrophe. Gold star!
How now, cooked shrimp?
Fellow cynic and nit-picker Davery notes,
Here’s something that bugs me to no end. The “yea/yeah/yay” misspelling. Unless they meant “Yea, shrimp!” and “Nay, halibut!”
Forsooth, Davery!
Nice hours if you can get ’em
Intrepid correspondent Meg found this one at a Duane Reade, noting “…and yet, I shopped there at 9:45pm.”
Sunday morning sigh
Found at brunch yesterday. No comment.
Also, just FYI, I am out of things to post. You want more posts? Send more things!
Actually, we took out a policy on you…
…so go ahead and get injured. Love, the Shuttle Bus Operators.
Thank you very much for this delightful Friday homophone, Childhood Friend Katie!
Process of elimination
Kacia found this punctuation travesty in a small restaurant in Wisconsin, on an ad for a business that does fireworks displays.
There has to be a logic here. Let’s see. Oh, you use apostrophes to pluralize! No, can’t be that, because “weddings” and “graduations” are plural. Is it a rule that you have to use an apostrophe after a y to pluralize? Nope, can’t be that, because “birthdays” has no apostrophe.
I give up! Thanks, Kacia!