
Written By: admin - Mar• 26•10

Seriously… I got nothing other than “Blech.”


Trough break!

Written By: admin - Mar• 24•10

Katie Z. submits this photo from a local restaurant, noting:

We’ve been here several times but had never noticed the sign. The restaurant is high-end enough that I’m pretty sure they don’t intend to associate themselves with a barnyard.


Thanks, Katie!

My head asplode.

Written By: admin - Mar• 19•10

Either Wal-Mart is way, way more hip than I ever thought, or something went wrong here.


Actually, you know, even if they were going for “Stylin’ Gel” (which: why would they do that??) this is wrong.  WAL-MART FAIL.

To the pain!

Written By: admin - Mar• 17•10

In his second consecutive submission, Davery brings the angst:

Here’s another photo I took AT MY SCHOOL! Now we know when “Defer payment’s” are due.  It hurts, Alden. It hurts!


That is truly beautiful.  It’s my favorite Southernism — the dropping of the “ed” — along with the explicit abuse of an apostrophe.  Gold star!

How now, cooked shrimp?

Written By: admin - Mar• 15•10

Fellow cynic and nit-picker Davery notes,

Here’s something that bugs me to no end.  The “yea/yeah/yay” misspelling. Unless they meant “Yea, shrimp!” and “Nay, halibut!”

2010-03-09 22.07.18

Forsooth, Davery!

Nice hours if you can get ’em

Written By: admin - Mar• 12•10

Intrepid correspondent Meg found this one at a Duane Reade, noting “…and yet, I shopped there at 9:45pm.”



Written By: admin - Mar• 10•10

My favorite Southern shortcut strikes again.


Sunday morning sigh

Written By: admin - Mar• 08•10

Found at brunch yesterday.  No comment.


Also, just FYI, I am out of things to post.  You want more posts?  Send more things!

Actually, we took out a policy on you…

Written By: admin - Mar• 05•10

…so go ahead and get injured.  Love, the Shuttle Bus Operators.


Thank you very much for this delightful Friday homophone, Childhood Friend Katie!

Process of elimination

Written By: admin - Mar• 03•10

Kacia found this punctuation travesty in a small restaurant in Wisconsin, on an ad for a business that does fireworks displays.


There has to be a logic here.  Let’s see.  Oh, you use apostrophes to pluralize!  No, can’t be that, because “weddings” and “graduations” are plural.  Is it a rule that you have to use an apostrophe after a y to pluralize?   Nope, can’t be that, because “birthdays” has no apostrophe.

I give up!  Thanks, Kacia!

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