New adventures in body parts

Written By: admin - Nov• 23•09

Meg found this in a fortune cookie and isn’t sure exactly what to think.


Nouth fortune

An oldie-but-goodie

Written By: admin - Nov• 20•09

I’m a little worried that I need some kind of disclaimer about not photographing things for RPB while you’re driving, y’all.  Reporter #1 says:

I had been trying to get a shot of it for WEEKS (it’s right by [my daughter]’s school) and then today there happened to be a truck pulling in to the next store up the road and it held up traffic long enough for me to get a shot.  :^)


This is one I’ve often noticed and grimaced at, so thanks for finally capturing it, Reporter #1!

WaPo no-no?

Written By: admin - Nov• 18•09

Dave says this:

The copyediting at the Post Sports section has been going downhill for awhile, now, leading to an epic front page, above-the-fold miss like this one. I dunno, maybe this plays differently in ATL, where coke is a generic term for cola and soda. Up north, it equals *hilarious*.


Well, as a Southerner, I had no trouble parsing that one.  I see Dave’s point, though.  Discuss.

I’m sorry, but: NO.

Written By: admin - Nov• 16•09

You grammar-philes may be disappointed by today’s post, but you know what? It’s my blog.  And I get to post things that bug me.  And this really bugs me.  I finally found myself in a situation with both this candy bar and a camera, so here you go.  Incidentally, you can’t really see it in this picture, but this is a European import made by good ol’ Nestlé.  It comes in several flavors, all of which are apparently inappropriate for girls.


Halloween sweet!

Written By: admin - Nov• 05•09

Found this one at the Zoo last weekend…

zoo 004 (640x480)

The best part is the awesome candy-corn sticker.  I love you, anonymous RPB-er!

Back to the same ol’ same ol’

Written By: admin - Oct• 30•09

Remember that breath of fresh air?  Yeah, not so much again today.

This one comes from Michael.


A breath of fresh air

Written By: admin - Oct• 28•09

I mean, it’s not right or anything.  It’s just that it gets old finding quotation marks used for emphasis, or apostrophes used to alert the reader to the approaching of a letter “s.”  Sometimes it’s a blessing to find a totally new error.  A creative error.

This one actually made me laugh out loud.

garage sales 001 (640x448)

This ice is *way* existential.

Written By: admin - Oct• 27•09

I’d like to think that Reporter #1 heard Cher discussing Ren and Stimpy in her head when she came up with this post’s title.


Now I will admit to having missed what was wrong with this one immediately too.  Given the title of the message I received, I was looking for quotation marks around “ice.”  Once I took a closer look, however, I realized that this labeling is so Monet — from far away, it’s OK, but up close, it’s a big old mess.

Thanks, #1!

This better be a new type of plant.

Written By: admin - Oct• 22•09

Intrepid reporter Michael found this beauty at the National Arboretum.   They should know better.


Red Pen road trip!

Written By: admin - Oct• 21•09

Awesome Reporter #1 found this old newspaper while road-tripping with also-awesome Laura.  I feel so ‘special’ that they thought of me!


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