Moment of Zen

Written By: admin - May• 29•09

Ponder this one, as you go into the weekend:


Seriously.  Ponder the process by which a major brand designs, (presumably) market-tests, and produces a brand named “Steam’ables.”  Is it their small contribution to the fight against the elimination of the apostrophe?  Or is it marking the abbreviation of some other word — something like “Steamamabobables”?  Hee.  “Steamamabobables.”  Say that twenty times fast.

Espirales de wrong

Written By: admin - May• 28•09

In accordance with my gut feeling, Merriam-Webster has no definition for “whirl” as a noun. does, but not any that would make sense in this context.  I think the word they were looking for was “whorl,” but that would look silly on a cereal box, right?  Of course, my very basic Spanish (and, let’s be honest, Merriam-Webster’s Spanish dictionary) also indicates that “Espirales” means “spirals,” and these dudes are clearly circles.  So there’s all kinds of crazy liberty-taking with words here.


I’m sorry, but we are fresh out of waldorfs.

Written By: admin - May• 27•09

A little light misspelling for a midweek boost:


The ritzy new Kroger is giving Whole Foods a run for their money.  It’s so nice, they even feature “artichoke and feta torta with carmelized walmuts.”  I don’t know if they meant “torta” or “torte,” so we’ll let that slide.  But the exotic “walmuts” sound too tasty to ignore.

Another kindred spirit!

Written By: admin - May• 04•09

A must-read for apostrophe-obsessive types!

Military Grammar!

Written By: admin - Apr• 13•09

Reporter #1 says, “I prefer the ‘platoon monthly’ method, myself…”


No We Can’t!

Written By: admin - Apr• 10•09

…remember to spell the Vice-President’s name.

Picture 6

As always, tip and title due to Reporter #1.


Written By: admin - Apr• 09•09

…a 12-step program for apostrophe offenders!  Thank goodness there are kindred souls all over.


(Found at Apostrophe Abuse.)

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Written By: admin - Mar• 30•09

This is another debatable one.  I’ll mention that it is in a federal building adjacent to the federal courthouse.  I’m pretty sure they should have gone for “Chambers” or, if they were really feeling the apostrophe, “Chambers'”.

Yard Goo 005 (640x480)

For the record

Written By: admin - Mar• 26•09

I’ve been accused of being humorless.  But just for the record, this is okay with me.  I’m not going to freak about dialect, when it makes sense.  Heck, I just started a sentence with “but” two sentences back.  I am not that rigid.  And when Dunkin’ Donuts does this, consistent with an ongoing marketing campaign, I have no objections to raise at all.


(Also?  The egg white flatbreads are delicious.)

1/3 ~= 1/5

Written By: admin - Feb• 27•09

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if a serving size is 1/5 of a package, shouldn’t there be more than 3 servings in the package?  Am I missing something?

Math wasn't my strongest subject, but still.

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