It’s just a jump to the left…

Written By: admin - Jan• 31•11

As today is January 31st, we can safely assume the mailroom is not in.  In fact, there’s probably a Brigadoon-like foggy marsh in the place where the mailroom was, for those five hours last month.

EARWORM’d!  Thank you, Al!

GMO WTH? Wk! Day 5!

Written By: admin - Jan• 28•11

Our final day of lovely submissions from the genetically-modified organisms protest takes us to the horrifying world of fruit.  Mutated fruit, misused gerunds, and missing punctuation, oh my!

Thus endeth the fascinating series of errors Colleen spotted at a genetically-modified organisms (GMO) protest.  Mutant vegetable thanks to you, Colleen!

GMO WTH? Wk! Day 4!

Written By: admin - Jan• 27•11

More lovely mutated-vegetable imagery today, folks!  Today, please picture your vegetables skipping to the store, will you?  Also: DID ANYBODY PROOFREAD THIS STUFF?

The fascinating series of errors Colleen spotted at a genetically-modified organisms (GMO) protest continues tomorrow!

GMO WTH? Wk! Day 3!

Written By: admin - Jan• 26•11

This one’s perfect for a Wednesday, because honestly, how can you *not* giggle at the image of mutated vegetables?  I mean, yes, there’s a spelling error in here, and some issues with the parallel construction, and I think they’d have better gone with “vegetableS” than the singular, but really — mutated vegetables are funny, totally aside from grammar.  Samuel L. Jackson needs to make a movie about this!

The fascinating series of errors Colleen spotted at a genetically-modified organisms (GMO) protest continues tomorrow!

GMO WTH? Wk! Day 2!

Written By: admin - Jan• 25•11

For those of you who don’t like being made nauseous by photographs, transcript below.

Dolly was the first successfully clones animal.

Safier meat and milk has been approved for consumption by the FDA.  Labeling is not requiring, but the Center for Food Safety is fighting that.  Cloned meat and milk may be in your local grocery in 2 to 3 years.

To be completely honest, I’m not even sure what “Safier” means here.  Are they saying that cloned meat and milk are safer than non-cloned?  I’m confused, and the weird verb conjugation choices don’t help!

The fascinating series of errors Colleen spotted at a genetically-modified organisms (GMO) protest continues tomorrow!

GMO WTH? Wk! Day 1!

Written By: admin - Jan• 24•11

I have this fabulous mental image of all y’all spotting errors and thinking “Oo! I need to send that in to Red Pen Brigade!”  It makes me happy.  It makes me feel less alone.  So you can just imagine the warm fuzzies I got when Colleen busted out… whatever electronic device she used here, and captured a whole *series* of delightful errors for us!

In fact, she sent in five pictures, and you know what else there’s five of?  Weekdays.  So here you go, dear readers.  Five days of deliciously bizarre printing decisions, spotted at a genetically-modified organisms (GMO) protest.

Doesn’t “sneether” sound Dr. Seuss-like?  And wouldn’t “Sneether Aspartame” make an awesome band name?

The fascinating series of errors continues tomorrow!


Written By: admin - Jan• 21•11

Kudos to Kacia for the perfect title for this post, which she found on

While this obviously makes my teeth hurt, I’m actually *less* disturbed by this than I would be by “your.”  It indicates a sad lack of proofreading and/or spellchecking, but it doesn’t indicate the same obstinate refusal to learn the difference that “your” would have indicated.  So, props to Kaboodle, I guess?

I’d like to beat YOUR GRAMMAR up!

Written By: admin - Jan• 19•11

Reporter #1 sends this lovely picture of a gratuitous hyphen (and a gorgeous kid!).

Please note that I have no issue with the quotation marks around the word “body.”  They’re perfectly appropriate here.  But that doesn’t give us license to just throw punctuation around willy-nilly, people!

I thought they were for singing?

Written By: admin - Jan• 17•11

Lisa would like to draw your attention to area #1.

Thanks, Lisa!

Teaching tools

Written By: admin - Jan• 14•11


Thanks, Reporter #1!

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