Thursday existentialism

Written By: admin - Aug• 06•09

Reporter #1 writes:

Reporter #1 even works on vacation.  (Taken in Portsmouth, NH, yesterday.)  … I hope that farmer has a lot of awesome stuff!


I can’t decide what’s more disturbing, Reporter #1 — the fact that some poor farmer has to have a market all by herself, or the fact that you are now referring to yourself as “Reporter #1.”

Residential confusion

Written By: admin - Aug• 05•09

Kacia writes:

I couldn’t resist snapping a picture of this–it’s from the Brandberg White Lady Lodge (a great place to stay!) in Namibia.  I can’t help but wonder what drinks the residence prefers to order at the bar–perhaps the house wine?  😉


See, I’m wondering if this doesn’t mean that the bar facilities are intended, rather than for their usual consumption-of-alcohol purposes, for actual residence.  Which seems like it would be uncomfortable.

Thanks, Kacia!

Tuesday special report!

Written By: admin - Aug• 04•09

So it occurs to me that I, you know, own this blog, and so I can write about things, right?  And you have to read them.  Okay, don’t challenge my deeply-held delusions.

ANYWAY:  I had this dream in which I was in a parking lot near a very small town and suddenly this bus that was there, not moving, flipped over.  Inside the bus was a guy, but I couldn’t assess how injured he might be, and I discovered that I had no cell phone.

I ran back to the town and suddenly this dream became that one where you really have to make a phone call and for some reason you can’t.  (Please tell me other people have this dream;  I have it all the time.) I kept dialing 119 instead of 911, or the line was messed up, or someone wouldn’t get off the phone, etc.  It was very frustrating.

Finally I realized I could just walk to the tiny town’s police station and tell them about the accident, so I did.  The cop assured me they’d known about the accident for half an hour.  Unfortunately, the bus driver had died, but they knew it wasn’t my fault.  To demonstrate this, they gave me a copy of his death certificate.

And y’all?  That death certificate was riddled with typos.

I cannot, at this moment, remember a single one of those typos.  But I do remember what dream-me thought in that moment.  I thought, “Whoa, that is so going up on Red Pen Brigade tomorrow.”

So see?  I love y’all, even when I’m unconscious!

Another “speaks for itself”

Written By: admin - Aug• 04•09

RPB Member John says, “The Lobbyest what, I’m not sure…”


From The New York Times.


Written By: admin - Aug• 03•09

This popped up on FailBlog today.  I was pretty sure they’d missed the point… it must have been a story about some sort of marine charity and Prince Harry’s work with it, right?  But a bit of poking around on the internet indicates that it was not intentional.  I even found an un-failed version of the picture.


1.  Not Prince of Whales.

2. Not even Prince of Wales.

(FAILBlog link here, unedited picture found here.)

Highway (grammatical) robbery

Written By: admin - Jul• 31•09

I just want to say that I am so glad I’m not the one who personally discovered and photographed this sign.  I would have caused an accident.

Rebecca S. found this beauty at NBC15 News (Madison, Wisconsin).  For those of us not up on Wisconsin city names, the two places in question are actually Rothschild and Schofield.  That means that the only word spelled correctly on this sign is “exit.”


When u REALLY need to save two characters…

Written By: admin - Jul• 30•09

…but are unwilling to compromise otherwise.

Picture 3

(Title and screencap thanks to Reporter #1!)


Written By: admin - Jul• 29•09

OMG how many of you think this belongs on Red Pen Brigade?  Apparently everybody.  Fine.  Here you go.  😛


I’m pretty sure this map manages to insult the good people of Lebanon, Egypt, AND Iraq in one beautiful swoop.


Written By: admin - Jul• 29•09

Neither I nor Reporter #1 really even know where to start with this one.  What would we do without Facebook?

Picture 2

Double abuse!

Written By: admin - Jul• 28•09

Reporter #1 has THREE treats lined up for y’all this week.  About this one, she writes:

There is a limited supply of apostrophes in the universe, and these poor dogs are being deprived of theirs!

Picture 1(3)

Terribly true, Reporter #1.  There’s also some peculiar capitalization going on in there, so it’s all kinds of not okay.

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