An alternate world

Written By: admin - Feb• 27•12

My parents like antiques.  One of their antique phases involved globes, and as a consequence of their little hobby, I learned that you can date (and authenticate!) globes based on how they label certain parts of the world.  One of those date-indicating regions is the Middle East, so I always check that out first, when I’m practicing my antique-evaluating powers.

Here, I’ll show you.  Let’s use this lovely little globe as an example.

My expert analysis:

1.  FAKE.

2. Fakers had no spellcheck on their computers?  As far as I’m aware, neither “Isreal” nor “Jordon” is a real word.  Does nobody notice the squiggly red lines??


A contemplation of cheese

Written By: admin - Feb• 23•12

Sometimes when I’m bored I go shopping.  I don’t always buy things, but I like to look.  And now I also like to take pictures.

For your consideration, the wrapper of the cheese I found at Kroger.


…If it had anymore than it’s 75% butterfat, it would technically be better.

Now I’m not at all going to argue that more butterfat will most probably make anything better.  That seems obvious.

But check this out!  Mere inches away, I found this sign.

I can only surmise that the wrapper was written first, and the sign is the product of a revision by an Honorary RPB Member.  Look at the masterful use of dashes and semicolons!  As well as, you know, a basic understanding of the difference between contractions and possessives.

Overthinking this, I’m pretty sure

Written By: admin - Feb• 13•12

Meg found this, although she didn’t say whether it’s from her own employee software, so I do not know.

Meg wants to know what exactly a “vaction” is.  But I’m kind of more interested in the SICK days.  None of the other designations are capitalized.  Does that mean SICK is an acronym? For what? And if not, does it just mean you have to be really, really REALLY sick to take those days?

RPB gets all sophisticated-y!

Written By: admin - Feb• 06•12

Maybe it’s because she’s Reporter #1 and she, you know, reports a lot, but she sure knocked it out of the park with this submission… because she made three photos into a collage!  Because she is not lazy!  Unlike the maker of these signs, who really just seems lazy.

Seriously, Reporter #1, I owe you some share of profits.  Ahaahahahaha!  that’s funny because there aren’t any profits!

The perfect submish.

Written By: admin - Jan• 23•12

Jules captioned this one “Miami spelling vicer.”  So, uh, I hope he found this in Miami, because otherwise I don’t get that.

Once again, I’ll express my (apparently outrageous) belief that if one is going to invest in purchasing signage, one should double-check one’s spelling.  I’m such an idealist.

Who needs that “r” anyway?

Written By: admin - Jan• 02•12

Colleen’s excited to submit a non-English oopsie.  But honestly, this is such a common expression in English I’m not sure about giving this one a foreign language pass.

Also, now I want whatever it is that’s green and Thai.

Another one for the “probable lost cause” list

Written By: admin - Nov• 30•11

I’m with you, Reporter #1.  I really am.  You said:

For the love of Pete, just shrink the font a couple of points to get the space btw every & day!


I just think this is One Of Those Things that is so far gone we’re tilting at windmills.  Only moreso, if you know what I mean.

It’s worth noting that Reporter #1 is married to a person whose name is not Pete.  Also, I really want to capitalize the “f” in “follow.”

*dies* Grammar rant *dies again*

Written By: admin - Nov• 23•11

First! Here is a picture of a bunny chillaxing — or not! — on a CozyWinters small animal heating pad!

That’s the first thing you’ll see on this page,which is apparently where Lisa S. buys nice things for her residents.  And I say “residents” and not “pets” deliberately, because Lisa runs the Atlanta Metro Guinea Pig Rescue, which is always in need of spare cozy things (and spare money) if you have any of the above lying around.  [Please note too that Lisa did NOT ask for this shameless plug, but I’m doing it anyway, because I have a soapbox and I can.]

Anyway, disapproving rabbits aside, Lisa thinks the real hilarity occurs a little further down in the text:

I will admit that I was so amused by “mammal animals” (now added to my mental list of awesome band names!) that I totally missed the “attended” and “reptiltes,” not to mention some peculiar capitalization and debatable punctuation.  PLUS cute bunny.  This is an RPB Good Day.

It’s Tuesday, let’s do a flashback. Also: Hi, Dad!

Written By: admin - Nov• 15•11

So Dragon*Con happened a couple of months ago, but I haven’t cleaned off my phone’s photo directory in a while, and I just remembered I had these.

Let’s set the scene.  Dragon*Con, for the uninitiated, is more like eleventeen different science-fiction and fantasy conventions at once.  There’s something for everyone, and for people with very short attention spans (like me!) there can be eleventeen somethings going on at once!  So I kept pretty busy.

I tracked down Jen (of EPBOT and CakeWrecks) in her now-annual Find Jen! contest and won a super-rare Carrot Jockey necklace:

Oh look who I also tracked down totally by accident, is James Marsters.  You’ll just have to trust me that the person he’s hugging (because we are BFFs!) is me.  Also, I’m wearing a Dingoes Ate My Baby t-shirt, for those of you who care about that sort of thing.

Then I went to the most fabulous sing-along of Once More With Feeling and Dr. Horrible, back to back… pretty sure I was the most sober person in the entire ginormous room.

Where DO they go from here?

And yes, they had the signs of awfulness up all over again this year.  But this year, there was also this sign, which helped balance things out, because AWESOME:

And just feet away, I found this evidence of an honorary RPB-er, out there in the masses!

But then… alas.  There was this.  I know some of y’all will probably not gnash your teeth quite as hard as I will at this.  But can we at least agree that this is a debatable point of spelling and that it does not merit the defacement of a kick-ass poster?



Confidential to my father:  THERE YOU GO DAD, ARE YOU HAPPY?  😛

Public service announcement

Written By: admin - Oct• 14•11

I saw this at a toy store.  I will admit that I doubted myself a tiny bit.  I mean, the diction is a little weird here and there, but basically this is written in English, and I am well aware that I don’t actually Know All The  Words.  So maybe “consentation” was a thing?

Anyway, the public service part:  don’t Google “consentation.”  Because you’ll find it used across the internet, and just looking at the Google summaries will make you despair of humanity’s ability to write.

So, um, Schylling Toys?  SPELL CHECK.  You’re welcome.

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