It’s like rain on your wedding day…

Written By: admin - Sep• 04•09

Marjorie H. found this at our mutual alma mater.  I hate to criticize the old place, but… yeah.  Marjorie would like to add:

Note that this was for the writing portfolio!


You thought “Vote Grammar!” was over…

Written By: admin - Sep• 01•09

So I’ve been walking past this recently.


I’m not going to fault it for the quotation marks.  If there’s a time to use random quotation marks without attribution of a quote, it’s probably with political slogans.  So that gets a pass.  But as far as I can tell, we’re also looking at

  1. a comma instead of a semicolon;
  2. a total lack of concluding punctuation; and
  3. a really interesting random capitalization of “she” and “already.”

Now I could understand capitalizing “already” if they were making a play on the candidate’s name or something.  In this case, let me assure you that the candidate’s name is totally unrelated.  So…

Quelle fromage!

Written By: admin - Aug• 31•09

The good news is:  I’ve found a grocery store that sells cheese “ends,” so you can taste fancy cheeses without having to buy a whole one.  So that’s excellent.  Last weekend I bought several and took them home.  I was suspicious of this one:


So I googled it.  It turns out “English Glouster” is not a thing.  There is a cheese called “English Gloucester,” but it looks nothing at all like this wedge looked.  After much research, I determined that the (delightful) cheese I’d just eaten was, in fact, a Stilton with lemon rind.  Mmm-mmm.  But seriously:  no clue what was up with the label-maker.

International oops

Written By: admin - Aug• 27•09

Margaret sends this one all the way from Jordan.


My time in Jordan predated digital cameras, but I sure do wish it hadn’t — there were some doozies!  Thanks for catching this one, Margaret.


Written By: admin - Aug• 26•09

My best friend — grammar snob, founding member of RPB, one of the most intelligent people I know — sent me the following message:

Does this count 4 rpb? The sharp is on the wrong line 4 the key sig and the stems are all pointing up. Drives me crazy every time i see it!


Yes, Q, I think this counts 4 RPB.  It’s actually our first musical submission!  So thx and ttyl! 😛

Get ’em young!

Written By: admin - Aug• 25•09

Reporter #1 found this and remarked,

It’s a good thing they don’t teach punctuation at preschool!


But it is never too soon for you to start teaching your daughter disdain for this sort of thing, Reporter #1.  I eagerly look forward to her first submission. Mwahaha!

Keeping the faith

Written By: admin - Aug• 24•09

I’ll be honest:  there are moments when I question the wisdom of maintaining this blog.  Despite my legions of readers, all of whom comment and submit daily to let me know they exist (AHEM), I do wonder if it’s worth the cost, however minor.  And occasionally I feel a bit guilty, because I do acknowledge that what we call good grammar is a very sociopolitically-loaded concept.

And then I stumble upon something like this website.  (Well, I didn’t stumble upon it so much as Leah S. referred me to it.)  I’m not going to describe it to you or screencapture it:  it’s worth clicking through, period.  And after you do so, reflect upon the fact that this person pays to maintain that domain — simply to serve as a shining beacon of truth and goodness.

Honorary RPB Membership bestowed.

RPB in the wild!

Written By: admin - Aug• 12•09

Another brilliant RPB sighting on the internet!  This gem was found at lowercase L — go read the whole story!

please do not feed cat

Getting to the root of the matter

Written By: admin - Aug• 07•09

Reporter Q writes:

If this were created by a non-music-related organization, I might
understand (though probably not), but BASE?  Dude.


Thanks, Q!

Thursday existentialism

Written By: admin - Aug• 06•09

Reporter #1 writes:

Reporter #1 even works on vacation.  (Taken in Portsmouth, NH, yesterday.)  … I hope that farmer has a lot of awesome stuff!


I can’t decide what’s more disturbing, Reporter #1 — the fact that some poor farmer has to have a market all by herself, or the fact that you are now referring to yourself as “Reporter #1.”

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