Shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich…

Written By: admin - Apr• 04•11

…and this jumbo shrimp clearly has vaporized vegetables.  Right, Katie K?  This is pretty clear to me, so I’m not sure why you sent it in.

Oh wait a second… what the heck are vaporized vegetables?

If only they tasted as good as they sound.

Written By: admin - Apr• 01•11

It is indeed April Fool’s Day.  But this packaging is 100% for real.

I want to meet the people who write these things.  I imagine them as very deep thinkers.

Red pen, yes, but WHAT TO WRITE

Written By: admin - Mar• 30•11

You could go several ways with this one.

Men: Restroom.  Men’s restroom.  Or, you know, if it’s that kind of place, it could be indicating where one would find men, which is near the place one would find the restroom, and then you’d go with a nice comma.  Colleen feels it’s a declaration of manliness in the “we don’t need no stinking possessives!” sense.  Take your pick.


Written By: admin - Mar• 28•11

Al had fun in a bakery!  He found these, and wondered if the name meant “cookies for morons.”

Now, the internet informs me that this is a thing, and… OMG there is a Global Cookies website!

Sorry, got distracted there.  Anyway, it’s a thing, so there’s nothing wrong with this label.  Fortunately, this tray was nearby, and Al caught it too:

The bakers may speak Spanish and may not be morons, but it seems someone there is colorblind!


Written By: admin - Mar• 25•11

Reporter #1 sends in this snapshot she took, explaining that “For those of us who live in Tim Hortons country, it’s that festive time of year called Rrroll up the Rrrrim to Win!”  She also mentions that “since I haven’t ‘won’ so much as a free coffee, I can’t really speak to what this means.”

We’ll discuss further below.

Now I immediately shared Reporter #1’s annoyance at all the quotation marks flying left and right.  Then it occurred to me that if the tabs did, in fact, say “Winning” on them, then these rules are just quoting.  So I actually found the contest website (you can play online!) and checked, and it turns out they actually say “WIN.”  So if this is correct, it’s on a very technical point.  And also, it’s annoying.  Are they winning tabs or are the prizes kind of sucky?  Which is it?

Now I’d like to talk about two things that are TOTALLY MORE OUTRAGEOUS.  First of all, the chain was named after a dude called Tim Horton.  I checked.  I’m not a professional researcher for nothing, people.  How hugely annoying is their massive lack of an apostrophe in their own name?  Why doesn’t this fact bother every right-thinking Canadian?  Eh?

Secondly, I mean, I know what Tim Hortons is because I have a television and it’s kind of a running joke about Canada, like Atlanta and Waffle House.  But Reporter #1, as we have previously noted, lives in Buffalo.  Looks to me like Buffalo has to get its national priorities straight.  Are you too good for Starbucks and Caribou Coffee, Buffalo?  Why do you hate America?

BONUS EMERGENCY RPB ALERT: No! Don’t cook the dog, Rachael Ray!!

Written By: admin - Mar• 24•11

…because every other blog on the planet has this image up.  For proper hygiene I’ll admit that I grabbed it from someecards.

For what it’s worth, Tails Magazine fixed it on their website.

Contender for “best new word”

Written By: admin - Mar• 23•11

Galen found this exciting new job opportunity at Seven Days Classifieds.

She notes, and it’s true, that we can’t know whether the employer or some website editor is to blame here.  But also? “Assitant” isn’t a word, and even the most basic of spell-checks would have caught it.  It doesn’t even have the Spell-Check Excuse.

Healthy moms choose healthy homophones!

Written By: admin - Mar• 21•11

This *headdesk* moment comes to you from Healthy Mom & Baby magazine.


Thanks, Colleen!

Why are we here, people?

Written By: admin - Mar• 18•11

You know how teachers tell little kids “use your words”?  I feel like that’s because words are supposed to facilitate communication.  And yet, as Colleen has neatly illustrated here, they so often don’t.


Colleen found this, for what it’s worth, at an American institution of higher learning.  Sigh.

A hit out of the park!

Written By: admin - Mar• 16•11

Sorry, I see “peanuts,” and I just think “baseball.”  Except there’s something really wrong with these peanuts, as Meg discovered.

Meg’s theory is that they’re “so jumbo they became almonds!”

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