Two strikes!

Written By: admin - Apr• 22•11

Leah S. says it’s one thing to go for a pun, but another thing entirely to abuse an apostrophe that’s never done nothing to YOU.

You’re right, Leah, this is unforgivable.  On the other hand, Leah also mentioned that she “saw this on a menu in Uptown (Mpls) a couple of weeks ago” but that “the food was so good that I lost my proofreader’s rage and forgot to send you the picture until now.”  That? Also unforgivable.

I am certainly amazed.

Written By: admin - Apr• 20•11

I usually stay away from emails, but as this is a marketing message from a serious-looking business I’m going to share this gem from first-time Brigade member Amber!

Yesterday thousands in the Baltimore area received this email. Perhaps someone in Ramshead’s publicity department should download a browser with a spell-check component?

Thanks, Amber!

Double the creativity

Written By: admin - Apr• 18•11

Kacia says:

Whoever is making Facebook events for the Indigo Girls inexplicably managed to correctly spell the practically-impossible ‘Chautauqua’, and then biff on the spelling of ‘Boulder’ not once but TWICE, in two different ways!  Impressive.

Uh… I guess, in a “Perfect World” this spelling would be OK if you don’t look a little closer?

Spellcheck reliance FAIL

Written By: admin - Apr• 15•11

Shannon was given this wall plaque.  I think it’s admirable that she’s trying to make it work for her by saying “I do so find my daily routine to be rewarding.”

You keep that attitude, Shannon, and everyday will be better for it.  Woo, that’s kind of deep!

(Also, I see this and hear “…Wishes can come true / Whistle while you work / So hard all day / To be like other girls / To fit in in this glittering world…”)

(You’re welcome for the earworm.)

Social media makes its mark

Written By: admin - Apr• 13•11

Colleen noticed with delight that the Santa Ana Zoo offers discounts for “memebers.”

Clearly this is an innovative category the SAZoo is trying to normalize.  To belong, you have to forward at least ten videos of pandas sneezing, etc. to at least ten of your friends, and you have to do it within two hours.  Or something.

Delicious AND eco-sensitive

Written By: admin - Apr• 12•11

In response to last Friday’s post, the Facebook persona representing Willy’s Mexicana Grill has this to say:

Right on, Willy’s!


Written By: admin - Apr• 12•11

It’s the middle of the month (is too.  Play along.), and I’m bored, and… new Robi-banner!  This is the second of the several Robi the Awesome gave me for my birthday.  Enjoy!

If you’re going to use Latin, use it right!

Written By: admin - Apr• 11•11

Meg says this is one of her pet peeves.  I would be less charitable.

Delicious doesn’t get you off the hook.

Written By: admin - Apr• 08•11

I love Willy’s Mexicana Grill, and I’ll tell you the #1 reason why, which is that their sinaloa tofu is actually delicious, and doesn’t make me feel like a second-class citizen for avoiding meat.  But I don’t care how delectable that orange juice and garlic marinade is, it doesn’t make this apostrophe abuse okay.

I kind of hoped that asterisk led to a footnote saying “Just kidding! We know there’s no reason to use an apostrophe here!” but it didn’t.  Alas.

Not a good idea.

Written By: admin - Apr• 06•11

There’s lots to talk about here, but Colleen draws our particular attention to Rule #7, which she feels indicates her HOA is out to kill her.  I think she’s right.

I’ve been trying to parse that in a reasonable way for ten minutes, and it’s not working.  Anybody?

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