Chow Baby says “ciao” to spelling

Written By: admin - May• 30•11

Oh, Chow Baby.  Your Thai Peanut Pesto sauce makes me so happy.  Your spelling doesn’t.


The company you keep

Written By: admin - May• 27•11

Last weekend was Atlanta’s Annual Pigstock, a fabulous picnic for guinea pigs and their people to raise money for the Atlanta Metro Guinea Pig Rescue.  (Yes, a guinea pig rescue.  And yes, she takes PayPal.)  It was awesome.  It was also kind of exhausting, so after it was over those of us who were still hanging around went out for some refreshments.

It was already fairly apparent to me that I was in the company of Kindred Spirits.  I mean, we’d just spent hours and hours preparing for and then executing a fundraiser for homeless guinea pigs.  It’s a niche product.  But when I spotted the tragedy below that is “quesadilla’s” and whipped out my phone, one of my companions said “Oh, and did you see ‘wrap’s’ too?”


The decline of our society!

Written By: admin - May• 25•11

Doctors have a lot of education, right?  And presumably people who do well in marketing and headhunting do too?  Or at least a little education?  Like, enough to have covered basic contractions and possessives?

Lisa sent this along, and now I have a headache.

Sticky situation

Written By: admin - May• 23•11

What did we do before we had smartphones on us at all times?  I guess we used to just glower at misspellings and gratuitous or missing punctuation.  Thank goodness we’ve moved past that to a technological point where my father can grab the photograph below and send it to me, remarking “It looks like the maker of the signs has been dipping into the catnip just a bit, too!”


Things bears definitely do in the woods

Written By: admin - May• 20•11

A gleeful email from Kacia:

Check out the second-to-last ice cream flavor on this menu: Bear Creak Caramel!  I mean really, who doesn’t want creaky bears in their ice cream?!  Delish!

We spent the rest of the meal making creaky-bear noises.  *RAWR!-ereek!*  I think the waitress thought we’d lost our minds.

Happy Friday, all!

Just checking in…

Written By: admin - May• 18•11

…because the local Kroger has a personal vendetta against apostrophes, I swear.  Also quotation marks.

Delicious, literally and figuratively

Written By: admin - May• 16•11

Happy Monday!  Ready for some post-modernism?  These come from our nearest Tous Les Jours bakery, but I’ve seen them at other TLJ bakeries around town.

It’s kind of like poetry!

Das Mauer (in meinem Büro)

Written By: admin - May• 13•11

Pink Floyd‘s got nothing on my colleagues.  When we had construction barriers, some of the more creative types around showed the world what you REALLY do with a wall.

And, you know, foreign grammar and spelling.


Written By: admin - May• 11•11

Okay, so, Middle East-o-phile compadres?  Remember molokhia, that slimy stuff that actually kind of grew on you (where by “you” I mean “me”) after you ate it for all that time?  I’m craving some of that right now.

Anyway, back to the HIDEOUSNESS.  I’m minding my own business with an episode of Chopped (please don’t cancel this, Food Network!), and oh look, they’re pulling some green stuff out of their baskets, and I see this on my screen:

This is one of those “thank goodness for the DVR” moments, because we had to pause while I took a minute to blow a gasket.

First of all:  molokhia is called “JEW’S MALLOW”?  What what?  I am so in love with the universe right now.  That is an awesome name.

Secondly, can we talk about how there’s not an apostrophe in that “JEWS MALLOW” label?  The internet quickly illustrates for me that some fairly respectable sources have quit using the apostrophe, but no, I’m sorry, that makes my teeth hurt.  Apostrophe up, people.

And lastly?  I’ll give you a second.  Oh, and I should mention that you should go learn to read Arabic.  I’ll wait.

Back already?  Do you see it?  Do you see it???  10,000 arghs.  What the heck did you do, Food Network, copy the label of the molokhia you bought at your local Arab foods grocery store and fail to notice that your word processing software was inputting the letters left to right?  Did you bother to subsequently compare the word on your generic label with the word you were aiming to copy?  I know it’s all squiggles, but a critical examination might have indicated you had a problem.

!deppohC, selggig eht rof sknahT

ETA: For those of you not lucky enough to have studied Arabic, here’s how it SHOULD look:


When you write right-to-left, it joins like cursive.  PLUS, they used the wrong “k” sound (they should have used “kh”).  Major Arabic disaster, Food Network.

Small favors

Written By: admin - May• 09•11

Michael Z. found this one, and feels that “certificated” may not mean what the sign-makers think it means.

Is it a bad sign that I’m just really happy they didn’t use an apostrophe in “Walk-Ins”?

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