T.J. Maxx likes definite nouns and other things!

Written By: admin - Aug• 08•11

Not to be outdone by The Washington Post, discount retailer T.J. Maxx will see the extraneous “the” and raise us two random capitalization errors!

Thanks, Dad!

The Washington Post likes definite nouns!

Written By: admin - Aug• 05•11

Dave S. has a theory about this one that I think is quite sound:

I think they meant to write, “one of the largest redevelopment efforts in suburban Washington since the World War, too.” Sadly, this made the print edition as well.

On the other hand, it seems totally possible that this is one of those “Paris in the the spring” thing and it just didn’t get caught.

Mystery for the ages!

It’s Wednesday, so…

Written By: admin - Aug• 03•11

…I thought I’d change it up a little.  Announcing yet another Robi-banner!  See, doesn’t it feel all fresh and new around here now?

Utterly confused

Written By: admin - Aug• 03•11

Outstanding contributor Chris H. sends this in:

So the soda machine here at work has been empty for a few weeks. He came today to refill, and apparently didn’t have a label for the different worlds he was stocking, so he wrote it in.

Never had cherry coke zore before…

Me either, Chris.  And… I can’t even begin to figure out what was going on.  It looks like it could be “2 or e” as well as “zore,” but that isn’t exactly illuminating.  Guesses?

Bread! Apples! Very Small Rocks!

Written By: admin - Aug• 01•11

We really are the perfect duo.  Reporter #1 sets ’em up and I knock ’em down.

At first I thought I was supposed to be traumatized by the lack of an apostrophe in “Tops.”  That turns out to be okay.  The real mystery is what the heck this even means.  An even number of WHAT? The noun here is “corn,” specifically corn that appears on a cob.  But saying “an even number of corn” makes no sense a-tall.  FIX IT!

Move along!

Written By: admin - Jul• 25•11

There’s nothing wrong here!  Reporter #1 is  just seeing mistakes everywhere.  This obviously comes from the well-known dramatic work, Dialogue Between States, by W.P. Whoever!  See?

Vermont: I challenge you to a competition in nonsensical outbursts.  You may go first.

New York: Performance dealer!  Bo shino!

Vermont: Okay, I can’t top that.  You win.

So, see?  New York states only “Performance dealer! Bo shino!” and it wins the competition.  Nothing to see here.

Consistency is the hobgoblin of little signs.

Written By: admin - Jul• 22•11

Total credit for photo-acquisition and title-creation goes to Reporter #1.  Just take the keys and drive my blog already, wouldya?

I think it’s probably pretty easy to explain what happened here, of course:  the sign-maker didn’t like the way the capital “I” and the lower-case “l” looked next to each other.  I’m guessing that in that font they were identical.  It’s like the exact opposite of a good submission to lowercase L.  Doesn’t make it okay, though.

Subliminal messages at Ace Hardware

Written By: admin - Jul• 08•11

Having spent a portion of last night without air conditioning, I can tell you that the one thing you do NOT want your box fans to do is whisper quit.  Whatever that even means.

Thanks, Mom!

When words actually matter

Written By: admin - Jul• 06•11

Are you supposed to say “Do not interfere”?  Are they supposed to choke out “Do not interfere” in order to ask that you please, in fact, interfere?  SAVE THE QUOTATION MARKS, people.

Projection, via spelling?

Written By: admin - Jul• 01•11

The fantabulous Reporter #1 went off to a crafts fair just to represent RPB.  Remarkably, she says she found only one RPB-worthy item!  Fortunately it’s a good one.

Reporter #1 suggests that perhaps Jenney just has a strange fondness for the letter “e.”  And who wouldn’t?  It’s a great letter.  So would you like to buy an “e”? I’m opening the door… it’s not often that I offer.  Well, could you ask for more?  It’ll cost you just a dollar (adjusted for inflation since the 70s!).

I’m sorry, CTW.  Please don’t sue me.  It’s really your fault I have the lyrics to songs sung by an orange puppet stuck in my head three decades or so after I first heard them.

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