For the record

Written By: admin - Mar• 26•09

I’ve been accused of being humorless.  But just for the record, this is okay with me.  I’m not going to freak about dialect, when it makes sense.  Heck, I just started a sentence with “but” two sentences back.  I am not that rigid.  And when Dunkin’ Donuts does this, consistent with an ongoing marketing campaign, I have no objections to raise at all.


(Also?  The egg white flatbreads are delicious.)

Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

Written By: admin - Mar• 24•09

Today is Ada Lovelace day.  For more about the event, check out the post Liss wrote over at Shakesville.  Otherwise:  Ada Lovelace helped program the first computer-ancestors, and today is “an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology.”  Bloggers around the world are posting about a woman of their choice in technology.

After thinking about it, I decided not to just pick a random woman I didn’t know much about and post about it here, since it seemed sort of irrelevant to the Red Pen Brigade mission.  So instead I’ve decided to point whatever readers I have over to one of the coolest websites to which I’ve ever been priveledged to contribute:  The Women’s Genre Fiction Project at Emory University.

The WGFP has preserved hundreds of “women’s literature” publications by women written between the mid-1800s and the 1920s.  The books vary in quality and significance, but they’re all fascinating and fun.   Plus, as a double-whammy for today, the project was heavily driven by several very strong, imaginative, determined women in Emory’s digital technology stable.

I really enjoyed serving as a copy editor (hey RPB tie!) for the project for a few years — especially the time my text featured a hero named Denis and the capturing process had digitized it every single time as a reference to the male sexual organ.  🙂

So anyway:  check the site out.  Also check out Emory’s Women Writers Resource Project and the other collections, including the WWI postcards and poetry(I did a lot of the WWI stuff and the poems are really a remarkable read).  Celebrate the persistence of  women in technology and in writing.  And happy Ada Lovelace day!

1/3 ~= 1/5

Written By: admin - Feb• 27•09

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if a serving size is 1/5 of a package, shouldn’t there be more than 3 servings in the package?  Am I missing something?

Math wasn't my strongest subject, but still.

This one need’s no commentary. ‘Seriou’sly.

Written By: admin - Feb• 26•09

The downside to free exchange of information...

Thanks as always, Reporter #1!

Actually, it’s pretty cool.

Written By: admin - Feb• 26•09

When you “warn” people that you have ESP, you totally can’t eavesdrop on their thoughts the same way.  It’s kind of counter-productive.  So I’m not sure what’s up with this sign.

You are getting sleepy...

I believe the term we’re looking for here is “hot mess”

Written By: admin - Feb• 25•09

I don't know where to start.

Seriously, Reporter #1, you want my blog?  You gotta stop sending in great submissions AND great titles!

Until Circuit City goes out of business…

Written By: admin - Feb• 24•09

…after that, it’s all fair game.

Smile!  You're "on" camera!

Sarah found this.  Since she also wrote the title, I’m guessing she found it at a Circuit City.   It’s a lovely find, with a less-than-inspiring “slogan” in quotes, and a rampant abuse of my beloved ellipsis.  I’m also a little weirded out by “don’t even think of it,” which is technically correct but still seems a bit stilted.  I would have gone with “think about it.”  Comments?

P.S. confidential to Sarah:  your new name is Reporter #1!

A new RPB member reports!

Written By: admin - Feb• 23•09

My father (whose last comment on this blog was “You have a blog?”) actually sent me a submission from his phone today.  I cannot express my glee.  Or should I say, I “cannot” express my “glee”?


A triple for Kroger!

Written By: admin - Feb• 11•09

I am eternally grateful that Kroger seems to have abandoned the tooth-grinding “For Goodness Sake” as a slogan in favor of the much more literate “A Passion For All That’s Good.”  So:  yay.  But I really do think that Kroger managers should be asked to take a brief refresher course in punctuation.  Even if you choose to ignore the “Valentines” because you’re completely ignorant of the existence of St. Valentine, this one’s annoying.


Hang on to your hats, kiddos…

Written By: admin - Feb• 10•09

…it’s about to get rough around here.

Or so says this article, anyway.

… while blunders and bloopers have ever exasperated the spelling snobs and grammar grunions of the world, our recent woes — housing foreclosures, massive layoffs, rising debt and war — may be ratcheting up the pressure some feel to seize control of something (anything!), even if it’s just a properly placed comma.

Rock on!  Get angry, and submit stuff!

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