Renovation issues?

Written By: admin - Jun• 17•09

The lovely Lauren over at Ballywick (to whose very clever twelve-step program I linked back in April) submits this, noting “It’s a five-alarm fire!”

pity the fool

This is going to crack me up all day.  I’ve always loved the construction “fool X,” as in, “Those fool dogs keep chasing the squirrels right into the fence.”  I love imagining what might cause someone to refer to “fool bathrooms.”

Thanks, Lauren!

Tuesday: existential crisis

Written By: admin - Jun• 16•09

From Jessica:  “I’m glad to have been wished a good morning . . . that is, if I am who I say I am!”


It’s also worth noting that Jessica signed her submission e-mail thusly:


This is either a calculated attempt to drive me nuts, or a subtle hint that Jessica has been replaced by a Pod Person.

Monday ZOMG! geek edition

Written By: admin - Jun• 15•09

There are already plenty of reasons to admire Ken Jennings.  And I suppose it isn’t really a surprise to find out that he’s a self-proclaimed “grammar Nazi.”  It is, however, delightful to find that he’s willing to have his rants linked on Red Pen Brigade!  R0x0r!

So anyway, check out this lovely post from last September, which I couldn’t restate better myself.  I am also going to slap one of the pictures from that post right here, because it’s too good to miss, even if you don’t click through.  (But you should; the blog’s fun.)

Thanks, Ken!


Another mea culpa!

Written By: admin - Jun• 12•09

Look what else I just found in my archives that I apparently never posted?

Picture 1(1)

Sarah, who rocks, says “I would like to explore the possibility of learning to spell.”

Mea culpa!

Written By: admin - Jun• 11•09

Apparently Scott sent me this a long time ago and I totally, completely ingored him.  This is either because it just slipped through the cracks, or because I hate Scott.  You pick.  😛

I do love this picture, though.  It is such a beautiful example of the worst kind of error.  This one wasn’t made by a harried clerk with a drying-out Sharpie.  It isn’t even a homophone missed by spell-check.  This baby is 100% pure wrong.

Pharmancy small

Yeah, oops.

Written By: admin - Jun• 10•09

Repeat submitter Shannon found this gem in the comments of a boingboing article about absinthe .  He says:

Comment 20, attached here for your red-penning pleasure.  I usually give weblog comments a free pass, but the spoonerism is just too appealing on this one.


This is one of those ones where I would really love to meet the author.  People who use big words often love words, and some people who love words love to theorize about where words come from.  There are entire hours of NPR dedicated to the origin of words.  Where would a word-lover suppose that “psycho-semitic” would have come from, in order for it to make sense in this context?  I’d love to read that story.

A new take on bathing

Written By: admin - Jun• 09•09

I snapped this photo because of the happy misuse of quotation marks.  But the more I look at it, the more disturbed I am just in general.  It’s… a skin towel?  But only a “bath towel”?  The towel did have a fabulous zebra print to it, but I’m pretty sure it was made of totally synthetic fibers, and if it were made of skin I don’t think I’d consider that a selling point.  Weird.


Zoo IQ =/= Grammar IQ

Written By: admin - Jun• 04•09

I saw this, and I flipped the board over while thinking to myself, “Please let the answer have something to do with eggs…”


Alas, it doesn’t.  It has to do with their liking to lie in the sun.  LIE in the sun.  In fact, the internets assure me that hornbills tend to LAY (their eggs) in hollow trees.  The more you know!


Written By: admin - Jun• 03•09

In short, the new comments policy is: yes please! Actually, that’s the same as the old comments policy, but apparently that one didn’t work, so I’m issuing a new one. I know there are a hundred or so of you checking this page daily, which is mildly impressive, in my humble opinion. I want more submissions! I want comments! How can I ever earn my Internet-based Coffeetable Book Contract if none of you ever talk? 😛


Wednesday Twofer

Written By: admin - Jun• 03•09

The dreaded grocery-store bakery strikes again.  I was so excited about the “grad’s” that I almost missed the gratuitous quotation marks!


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