If e e cummings wrote signage…

Written By: admin - Mar• 08•08

Ben found this one. It either speaks to you or it doesn’t.


Good morning! Are you happy?

Written By: admin - Mar• 06•08

Okay, I know this is intended to sound informal and approachable. But what it actually is, is sick and wrong.

Real sick and wrong, as it were.




Buy one chili, get a free MARTA pass!

Written By: admin - Mar• 04•08

Okay, I’m obsessed with MARTA. And this wasn’t even a subway error! This is the third time the cafeteria at my workplace has served this mysterious dish. Sorry for the quality; I photographed sneakily!



Written By: admin - Mar• 03•08

So I was back in the grocery store, and I saw this.  Flashback to the post that started it all… and, I mean, I guess it’s an improvement over “boucher string,” right?  At least they’re open to criticism.



…and today’s creepy antidote.

Written By: admin - Feb• 29•08

I know I’m tired on the way home, but I don’t think my fatigue was completely responsible for my finding this ad deeply creepy yesterday. Brought to you by the same people who declare that “its a wrap,” this ad implies a promise of Growth. In fact, it claims that the lovely producers have experienced (or produced?) 60 years of Growth. Are they threatening to increase exponentially in size like the Blob and take over the world, creating a punctuation-free, randomly-capitalizing world regime? Can they be stopped?



Surprisingly amusing

Written By: admin - Feb• 28•08

Perhaps I’m supposing that the commas-as-ellipsis is the attempt of a frustrated fellow punctuation-ophile who wants to right the wrongs of missing commas all over the world, but for some reason, this one brings me joy.


P.S. Extra points: is there a word for “punctuation-ophile”? A quick google doesn’t turn one up.

Bad time for a typo…

Written By: admin - Feb• 25•08

Those of you who live in Georgia and watch local news (which probably isn’t many of you) will be aware that Clayton County schools have pretty much lost their accreditation in the last week. Governor Perdue is investigating his legal options. In response, Board of Education Chair Ericka Davis released a statement including this paragraph:

“While our SACS report indicates that not all of our board members failed to comply with school board policy and SACS standards, the reality is that with any board, the actions of some affect the public trust of the entire board. No governmental entity can effectively and successfully operate without the support of its citizens. Once public trust is comprised and children become the casualty, the best and only answer is to start anew.”

Yes, this could be a typo — and spellcheck isn’t going to catch the difference between “comprised” and “compromised.” But honestly… your *** is in the fire for running your school district so supremely badly that it loses accreditation… if there’s a more important time to proofread, I don’t know what it is.


Aww, Ortho cares!

Written By: admin - Feb• 25•08

Rayanne found this one online. Obviously, I get the missing apostrophe — but I’m also totally happy about the random assertion that Ortho cares!

Old pic, new category

Written By: admin - Feb• 21•08

I have decided that, although I’ve already shared this picture with pretty much everybody I know, I have to post it here. It deserves a wider internet audience (which I am going to pretend this blog has).

[Edit: Photo credit to Rayanne, who valiantly took my camera out of my purse, pointed it where I told her to point it, and took this excellent photo. 😛 ]

North Peking Chinese Restaurant

More MARTA deliciousness…

Written By: admin - Feb• 18•08

I can only hope that the damage to this poster was wrought by a similarly-enraged fan of the apostrophe.



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